Ok, i have been emailing the developer of FATLAB and he siad the following:
“In order to use Fatlab, you need to setup and solve an FE model in another program. The mesh is not enough – you need also “stress files” containing the nodal stresses (all 6 stress components) at unit load – one of these files for each load on the model.”
I have been able to solve a basic FEA example of a 65 meter blade in Prepomax, but i am not sure of these stress files.
i have read that article a few times, but it does not tell me what these stress files are that i am supposed to use.
Am i supposed to do something in prepomax to create those stress files or are they created automatically whenever i do a basic FEA. IE, in your first video of how to use Prepomax on youtube, will that process create these needed stress files?
Or, do i just feed fatlab the .frd file created by prepomax like the articel?
Basically, i did FEA on a 65 meter blade and im hoping that file has all the needed information for fatlab already haha
Submitting an analysis in PrePoMax sends the input file to CalculiX which creates various results and log files. The main one is .frd and you should use it for Fatlab. You can find it in your working directory (can be changed in PrePoMax settings).
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ok, ill give that a go. Thanks for all the help.