PrePoMax: export function reaction forces / displacement etc


I started to use PrePoMax (v0.9.0) for some simulations but I have some trouble to get some postprocessing information. I am interested in reactionforces in some areas. Thus I created a node-set and a history output for this node-set which gives me also the information I need, but unfortunately not for all my selected points. It looks like the limit is set to 100 nodes.


I haven’t found any export functions to get the values. Is there a work around or a function which I haven’t seen since now?

Thank you for your help!

Hi again,

ok. I found a way to get the reaction forces. When I open the folder “…\PrePoMax v0.9.0\Temp” I find the file “Analysis-1.dat” which includes my reaction forces for my analysis 1.

Super! But is there also a way to export my stress for each point? I read online that this is not possible with *NODE PRINT


Ok, it looks like I would enjoy monologues. :slight_smile:

In the same foulder is the “Analysis-1.frd” file and here I can get the stress tensor and all the other funny stuff I need.

Together with libreoffice calc I can continue, but I hope that PrePoMax will help me with the export one day. I realy like this program.

If anyone has an easier approach I would be glad to read about it.


@Matej is the developer, he is your best option for help about PrePoMax.
Also check the CCX manual:
8.50 *EL PRINT
Keyword type: step
This option is used to print selected element variables in an ASCII file with the name jobname.dat.
Stresses are printed for each element at Gauss points, not at nodes (you find nodal averaged stresses at .frd file).

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Hi Juan,
thank you for your help!
I need the stress at the nodes and only at the surface so I will work with the .frd files.


I can confirm that there is a limit on the number of outputs. Usually, it makes no sense to look at all those numbers by hand (normally you would select to get the resulting forces only in the history outputs). But the upper limit can be changed in the Settings → Post-settings → Max history output entries. Using a larger number may cause the program to work slower.

But this will not work for the stresses. In the history outputs, the stresses are reported in integration points and there is no way to get more than one value by using the Tools → Query menu at the moment.

If I understand correctly you would like to have a tool to query the results on the selected regions?

Kind regards, Matej

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Hi Matej,

thank you for your answer.

Yes, it would be helpful.

Maybe in CGX there is an easy option for what you are asking: check paragraph 9.38 graph command in cgx manual:

Ok. But probably, in the end, you would need the sum, average, min and max of all values or you would need all values in the list?

Hi Juan,

I will have a closer look later, but it looks like a plot function which is already possible in PPM.

Hi Matej,

In my special case, I need each value because I have to do some calculations with each of them (according to a guideline).
However, I guess to see the max and min value in an area would be very very handy for many people so that you can “ignore” the higher stresses at the support or at the load area.

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I didn’t feel like opening a new issue, I tried using the PrePoMax but got the following error while exporting a ccx input file:
Has anyone faced this issue? Any advice?
Is there a plan to support collaboration with the PrePoMax team for these small issues?

I tried the export function with three different simulations and it worked without any errors.
Can you start a simulation? If yes, you can go to this directory “…\PrePoMax v0.9.0\Temp”. PrePoMax saves an input file before the simulation starts.

Do you use the recent version 0.9?

No, I can’t start a simulation from PrePoMax. However, the simulation runs fine if I run it in ccx. Not sure what may be causing the issue. I did use the 0.9 version.


If you are using user keywords there might be a bug in the 0.9.0 version. It is already fixed in the developer 1.0.0 version. Maybe I can save your model if you send it to me over email.

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Sure, I could send it over email. Where can I access the developer version? It would be nice to contribute as well for these kind of bugs.

The developer version is in the Download section of the homepage. It has a name composed of a version number and a .dev ending. It is compiled each night so it might happen that it does not work constantly.

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