Problem with pre cgx modeling


I’m using cgx for creating a model. i have problem to run cgx.
i get a message after meshing ,
“WARNING: No check was performed for elements in set:-NOCHECK”
after meshing.
I found nothing in the manual under command mesh !?
why i get these warning ?
here is the script:
maybe someone can give me some tips.
it’s maybe a problem of the surfaces,
some are working good, some not !?

thnx in advance

pnt ! 0 3.5 0.0
pnt ! 0 3.5 56.0
pnt ! 0 3.5 65.0
pnt ! 0 3.5 112.5
pnt ! 0 3.5 148.5
pnt ! 0 3.5 200.0

pnt ! 0 30.0 200.0

pnt ! 0 30.0 148.5
pnt ! 0 30.0 139.5
pnt ! 0 30.0 130.5
pnt ! 0 30.0 121.5
pnt ! 0 30.0 112.5

pnt ! 0 30.0 65.0
pnt ! 0 30.0 60.5
pnt ! 0 30.0 56.0

pnt ! 0 30.0 0.0

pnt ! 0 25.5 56.0
pnt ! 0 21.0 56.0
pnt ! 0 21.0 60.5
pnt ! 0 21.0 65.0
pnt ! 0 25.5 65.0
pnt ! 0.000000000000e+00 2.681801948466e+01 6.181801948466e+01

pnt ! 0 21.0 148.5
pnt ! 0 12.0 148.5
pnt ! 0 12.0 139.5
pnt ! 0 12.0 130.5
pnt ! 0 12.0 121.5
pnt ! 0 12.0 112.5
pnt ! 0 21.0 112.5
pnt ! 0.000000000000e+00 2.550000000000e+01 1.227057713659e+02
pnt ! 0 21.0 130.5
pnt ! 0.000000000000e+00 2.363603896932e+01 1.368639610307e+02
pnt ! 0 25.5 112.5

line ! D001 D002 128
line ! D00G D00F 128
line ! D001 D00G 113
line ! D00F D00H 102
line ! D00H D00I 102
line ! D00I D002 109

GSUR A001 + BLEND - L001 + L003 + L002 + L004 + L005 + L006

line ! D002 D003 104
line ! D003 D00K 109
line ! D00K D00J 102
line ! D00J D00I 102

GSUR A002 - BLEND + L006 + L007 + L008 + L009 + L00A

line ! D00F D00E 102
line ! D00E D00M D00D 102
line ! D00M D00H 102

line ! D00M D00J 102

line ! D00M D00L D00D 102
line ! D00L D00K 102

GSUR A003 + BLEND - L004 + L00B + L00C + L00D
GSUR A004 - BLEND + L005 - L00A - L00E + L00D
GSUR A005 + BLEND + L009 - L00E + L00F + L00G

line ! D003 D004 124
line ! D004 D00S 105
line ! D00S D00X 106
line ! D00X D00L 124

GSUR A006 + BLEND + L008 - L00G - L00K - L00J - L00I - L00H

line ! D005 D006 126
line ! D006 D007 113
line ! D007 D008 126
line ! D008 D00N 104
line ! D00N D00O 104
line ! D00O D005 105

GSUR A007 - BLEND + L00L + L00M + L00N + L00O + L00P + L00Q

line ! D008 D009 104
line ! D009 D00W D00A 104
line ! D00W D00N 104

line ! D00W D00P 104
line ! D00P D00O 104

line ! D00W D00V D00A 104
line ! D00V D00Q 104
line ! D00Q D00P 104

GSUR A008 - BLEND - L00O + L00R + L00S + L00T
GSUR A009 - BLEND - L00P - L00T + L00U + L00V
GSUR A010 - BLEND - L00U + L00W + L00X + L00Y

line ! D00Q D00R 104
line ! D00R D00S 106
line ! D004 D005 118

GSUR A011 + BLEND + L00I - L010 - L00Z + L00Y + L00V + L00Q - L011

line ! D00V D00U D00A 104
line ! D00U D00X 106

GSUR A012 - BLEND - L00J - L010 - L00Z - L00X + L012 + L013

elty all QU4
mesh all

swep all new tra 2 0 0 1

prnt se
plus e all
view elem
send all abq
send all fbd

wbr dichtstoff

I think the warning comes from the elty command, not the mesh. The only hint in the manual is under 7.2.2 Show Bad Elements:

This option presents elements which have a negative Jacobian value at least at one integration point. The solver ccx can not deal with those elements. So far,only TET and HEX elements are checked. These elements are stored in the set called -NJBY. See also the command ”eqal”

So if you use qu4 you shouldn’t be concerned about that warning.
You could use tr3 just to see that the warning disappears.

In terms of source code:
The warning comes from /src/badelems.c in function calcBadElements

if(set[noCheckSet].anz_e==0) delSet(“-NOCHECK”);
else printf(" WARNING: No check was performed for elements in set:%s\n", set[noCheckSet].name);

There are other references to quality checking in the manual, e.g. under plot, prnt and “B.17 How to check an input file for ccx” you could look at.
