The set definition was used before the set was created

!Hello there,


Explanations on what I did wrong would be grateful.

You have to import the mesh first, and if you want to include the fix.dlo and load.dlo at the step level, you can do that there. Remove them from lines 2 and 3.

Thank you for your prompt reply but, funny thing, I got import concerning netgen in cgx manual
and nothing in ccx manual. And how to do import beam.msh before any thing else I have no idea yet.

$send beam frd - this I did not issue in the first place.

I come to other issue.
$ccx beam
*Error reading *Boundary. Card image:

Do not figure out yet how to apply load to beam sides at once.

what are the commands that create your includes? I do not see any set created in cgx with the name of Ebeam that can be translated into a CCX element set with the same name using the command send all abq nam

I used
$send fix abq names
$send load abq names
And nodes and elements numbers I have in those files.
I will try to correct.

check this example: CalculiX-Examples/Linear/BiaxBending at master · calculix/CalculiX-Examples · GitHub

My connection is really slow so I will reach the mentioned example tomorrow.

I think is the discourse server…it’s been slow since a few days ago

Right, I run the example, all went smooth with exception, several warnings
*WARNING in calinput. Card image cannot be interpreted:
WARNING reading the input file. Card image:
And several others, rather difficult to print them all on my mobile. May it be because of my version cgx_2.11, ccx_2.11?
While trying to simulate:
$cgx file.frd
freeglut (cgx): menue manipulation not allowed while menues in use.

the example was tested in v2.19. keyword *kinematic was introduced in v2.12. Anyway what I suggested is that you should check out the way CGX is used to create sets to define boundary conditions in elements and/or nodes.

All right, I am on it.

Here we go.

It is a code and my notes along the code.

If you do not mind to read and figure out

what I missed. Lot of thank in advance.

rotated rectangle section

pnt ! 0 5 25

plot p all - nothing is plotted

The set ”all” is created automatically at startup and will

be open (see seto) all the time unless explicitly closed (see setc).

Two points gives line

swep all new tra 0 -10 0 2

plot p all - nothing is plotted

plot l all - nothing is plotted

This is 3rd point

swep all new tra 0 0 -50 8

plot p all - nothing is plotted

move all rot x 45
swep all load tra 200 0 0 10

plot sa load - as expected

Somehow I managed not to understand how # all that ‘swep’ happened to plot a right model.

ref nodes

node 1 200 0 0

seta ref n all


elty all he8i
mesh all

quick and dirty support

seta nodes n load

plot n nodes

is as expected

This command is used to locate entities from a certain set (first

provided set) and stores them in the second set.

But surfaces can only be identified if the command “rep ”

was issued before. The mode is defined by the keys ’i’ individual.

Only the closest entity of all kinds of entities are stored in set

’support’, triggered by the ’i’ key.

enq nodes support rec 0 _ 10 1 i

strange enough I did not mean it

plot na support

draws my complete structure? I cannot understand it.

write mesh and sets

send all abq
send all abq nam

plot of mesh and ref node

zoom 1.5
rot -x
rot c 90
rot l 10
rot u 10
view elem
plot n ref r
plus f all n
plus f load g
plus n ref b 10
plus n support r 10

hcpy png Refs/mesh

try frame command (or the equivalent in the GUI), maybe you’re not looking where the point is

not sure what’s your question. Did you get what you wanted?

Plot na support draw the complete structure and I expect it draws around load set. And that’s what I wanted. And by the way I cannot understand what tolerance is in CalculiX. And I do know what tolerance means in producing a part of something.
Need an example of tolerances.

May be you are right I will after job time.

plot na support only plots the FEM outline, because in fact that set is empty. Use plot command to renew the plot only, if you want to keep previously plotted entities use plus instead.
prnt se will show you a list of all sets created and their contents:

prnt se
1     all stat:o n:298 e:160 f:232 p:8 l:12 c:0 s:6 b:1 L:0 S:0 se:0 sh:0 v:0
3     new stat:c n:4 e:0 f:0 p:3 l:1 c:0 s:0 b:0 L:0 S:0 se:0 sh:0 v:0
4     load stat:c n:27 e:0 f:16 p:4 l:4 c:0 s:1 b:0 L:0 S:0 se:0 sh:0 v:0
5     ref stat:c n:1 e:0 f:0 p:0 l:0 c:0 s:0 b:0 L:0 S:0 se:0 sh:0 v:0
6     nodes stat:c n:27 e:0 f:0 p:0 l:0 c:0 s:0 b:0 L:0 S:0 se:0 sh:0 v:0
7     -NJBY stat:c n:0 e:0 f:0 p:0 l:0 c:0 s:0 b:0 L:0 S:0 se:0 sh:0 v:0
8     support stat:c n:0 e:0 f:0 p:0 l:0 c:0 s:0 b:0 L:0 S:0 se:0 sh:0 v:0
plot na support


seta support A001
comp support e
comp support f
plot f support

notice faces have 2 sides (different color): positive/negative

now you can create a surface from this:

send support abq surf

or a node set

send support abq nam

or a pressure to the faces in the set

send load abq pres 0.05

that will be useful to define your boundary conditions.

Great, but what I miss if I use enq, may be because of that infinity value?