Wedge elements - visualisation problem in CGX

I prepare meshes in Salome 9.11. Recently I have switched from tetra-based 3D meshes to wedge-based 3D meshes, using “Extrusion 3D” algorithm based on a Netgen 2D triangular submesh. Now, I tried to solve both fluid dynamics problem and a steady-state thermal problem with my wedge-based mesh. The solution seems to have been succesful, no errors, and the numerical results seem OK. However, CGX shows my mesh as if every element was twisted - as if they all had wrong connectivity, see the example below. Now, I made my best to check the connectivity in Salome, looking at node numbering and face connectivities - and it looked all right. Is it just a defficiency of CGX 2.21 I am using (on Windows), or do I do something wrong?

Try in another postprocessor like PrePoMax or ParaView.

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Try with Toggle Surfaces/Volumes

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Agree, but do we know if @klaus.wittig is planning to support these elements in the future?

Wedge Elements are supported. Please look into the manual in the element section and compare the numbering with the requirement. The node sequence might be wrong.

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