Need for comprehensive updated CalculiX 2.20 Windows install guide and Windows install help

Dear @WinLux1,

You can find my CCX builds in the CAE repository under ‘bin’ folder. For Windows I used cygwin - install it to ‘C:\cygwin64’ with:

  • gcc-g++ 11.3.0-1
  • gcc-fortran 11.3.0-1
  • make 4.3-1
  • perl 5.32.1-2
  • libglut3 3.2.1-1

Then follow official install instructions for Linux.

Here is the whole CCX 2.20 source folder with built ARPACK and SPOOLES for Windows:

I use the modified makefile:

Command to make with custom makefile is:
make -f ccx_Makefile_MT_windows

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