Mapping temperature field from SPH to Calculix

Hello all! I am trying to map my transient temperature field within a solid to Calculix to get the thermomechanical response. Imagine that I have the same exact geometry created two ways, 1-using SPH particles (point cloud) and 2- meshed for Calculix.

SPH is a meshless method and it uses much more computational elements compared to finite element or finite volume methods. I would need to down sample my results. But I was wondering how should I approach this problem?

I was thinking maybe after I mesh the geometry, I could write an algorithm to map the temperatures from the point cloud to my nodes. Can I use node (element) specified temperatures in Calculix?

Thank you!

You could try using ParaView for that: How to add temperature data for external mesh? - ParaView Support - ParaView

Thanks for the link. The mapping/interpolating is not the real problem, I am curious if I could import this interpolated values to Calculix? Since this is a transient simulation, there will be multiple files that Calculix would need to read and solve stresses for.

Once you have the nodal values, you can use them to define the initial temperature, temperature field for mechanical analysis or temperature boundary condition for thermal/coupled analysis.

That’s perfect. Thank you so much!