Importing external distribution of loads

Hi all

Sorry for asking obvious question but i am not sure what what solution will be in calculix way.
I want to import mesh with pressure distribution from cfd program and treat this as a load for simulation in calculix.
The main problem is interpolation of loads between meshes.
So far i am considering some options like defining imported mesh with pressure as super elastic material with rigid contact with simulated structure or maybe use of precice adapter for this purpose.
But both of those solutions seems to be too complicated. What is more straightforward approach to import and interpolate external pressure distribution on mesh?

I would appreciate any help

What CFD software ? OpenFOAM ?

Precisely speaking i want to use 3D panel method like FLOWPanel
OpenFOAM is kind of back up plan

I don’t know what kind of pressure output you can get from this approach but if it’s just a pressure distribution in the volume mesh (fluid domain) then you could try mapping it to a surface of a solid body mesh in ParaView. Otherwise, you would need sime custom scripts. For OpenFOAM + CalculiX there are more options, including even FSI coupling.

Thank you for reply
I could get pressure output in kind of standard format like .vtk and it will be in form of surface mesh (like most of solid body mesh), not volume mesh
For now I do not need to have time integration in simulation so full FSI is a bit overshot. And I found almost ready to use openfoam couplings and actually I am trying to find out how interpolation is done there
Could you describe how (what filters) should I do interpolation in paraview?
Honestly I am suspecting that calculix tools should have interpolation functionality

CalculiX pre-post processor (CGX) have such functionality by ‘map’ commands, but limited to Frd format to be readable. Output pressure from external CFD software is needed to convert before, OpenFoam seems to be supported by 'read and ‘send’ command.

So i could for example somehow export pressure mesh to .inp format and than use cgx to map pressure distribution to actual mesh
Or try to use paraview

By the way I am omitting part where I need to change mesh format. Is there tools to export mesh with loads to a .inp file or I need to do this manually. Most common I exporting of mesh not mesh with pressure…

it’s CalculiX output result format (frd) not an input (inp), Ascii/Binary element node based instead of integration point. In my understanding, mismatched mesh results will be interpolated to the input format. However, output from OpenFoam can be directly used to convert since it has been supported by Cgx.