Hello all
In cgx, I cannot divide lines with values larger than 99. Same applies to path divisions in post-processing. Below is a simple illustration: 99 divisions work but larger values are executed as 4 divisions. I appreciate suggestions to overcome this issue.
## Geometry
# Points
PNT P0 0. 0. 0
PNT P1 10 0. 0
PNT P2 10 10. 0
PNT P3 0 10 0
# Lines
LINE L1 P0 P1 99
LINE L2 P1 P2 100
LINE L3 P2 P3 99
LINE L4 P3 P0 100
# Line set definition.
SETA Lset1 l L1 L2 L3 L4
# Create surface based on line set.
SURF S1 Lset1
# Surface set definition for meshhing.
SETA surfs s S1
## Meshing
# Element type is assigned to surface.
ELTY surfs qu4c
# Mesh the geometry.
MESH all
# Plot.
PLOT m all
ROT -z