How is cxx_dynamic.exe compiled?

I downloaded from the official site of Calculix, and used cxx_dynamic.exe on PrePoMax. This one contains sovlers PaStix, Pardiso, Spools and two other iterative once.

I am wondering how is cxx_dynamic.exe compiled ? Since I am trying to compile it by my own. Is there any instruction for this ? I have been searching on the web but not sure how to begin.

Several people have made more-or-less recent builds of CalculiX for windows available. But I haven’t seem them publish how its done.

CalculiX and most of the libraries it uses were originally developed on UNIX-like systems like Linux, where programs are meant to work together.

If you are used to building UNIX/Linux software in its native environment then building CalculiX in such an environment is not that big of a deal. If you are new at that then you have a significant learning curve ahead of you!

These libraries and programs generally expect standard UNIX tools like the C compiler gcc, the Fortran compiler gfortran, the build utilities make, bison, autotools/automake/libtool and cmake (and their dependencies like bash) to be available in order to build them.
Currently, building with PaStix also requires the ancient python2.7 for code expansion because it is using a modified version of an older version of PaStix.

So to replicate that om ms-windows you will need an environment that supplies and can run these tools. There are several of those. At the moment msys2 seems the most popular. It comes with its own package manager so you can relatively painlessly install additional stuff.

A write-up of how I built CalculiX on a UNIX-like FreeBSD system is available on my github.
This is basically in the form of some shell scripts that apply patches and build the different libraries and programs in the order they are needed.

This will require modification for msys2! Some of the tools will have different names (e.g. make instead of gmake), while other tools (like sed and patch) have different options.

To make that work it would really help to be familiar with the aforementioned UNIX environment and tools.


I am trying to find the makefile and script for compiling ccx_dynamic.exe, but have no luck so far.

I remeber that GPL 2.0 requires these to be included as part of the distribition ? Wondering where can I find this ?