Error on VALU command

I try to do manually

pnt p1 0 0 0
valu L / 1065 1000
 key:VALU from string valu L / 1065 1000 not known

there is no error

cgx -b file.fbd

file.fbd consists some of VALU commands.

Hm, strange. Do you use the latest cgx version 2.21?

pnt p1 0 0 0
valu L / 1065 1000
prnt v
value L stores 1.065000e+00

Unfortunately, my cgx version is 2.17. Looks like it was due to my OS installation as I reinstalled it and there is no such error anymore

pnt p1 0 0 0
valu L / 1065 1000

all good! Thank you.