Beginners Shell validation question

Good day all,
I have been exploring the capabilities of ccx/cgx and I have a very basic question on the use of ccx and cgx with respect to shell elements.
I have tried running a few of the test validation cases with v 21, and on my system the cgx output looks to have large displacement errors.

I am running on a windows box within a MINGW64 Bash shell using the Calculix running environment.

As an example, if I run ccx on shell1lin.inp from the Calculix2.21 test set

ccx shell1lin

Then to view the results

cgx shell1lin.frd

I see this:

It is as if the internally generated 3D solid nodes for the shell are going off into space…
I have tried a few shell input models, and all have similar distorted views. I am obviously doing something very wrong.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Well, I see this:

It seems to be an issue with GraphiX.

So, it looks like your cgx is functioning OK?
I tried using one of the U3S tests as well.
And I get this using :

ccx lin_stat_press_load
cgx lin_stat_pres_load.frd

I am unclear on what to try next.

Hi again,
Well, after digging some more I located this thread by Calc_em

This version seems to work quite well. I tried one of the more complex models I am working with now, which contains S4, S3 Mass and T3D2 elements in it.

With a distributed pressure load, I get these results, which look quite good.

I see this v2.19 builds are quite different from the 2.21 builds… I will have to dig a bit more now, I do not like mystery fixes…

Those results look like the 3 digit exponent problem that happens with some builds on Windows. Floating point values in the .frd file should have 2 digit exponents so if you see 3 then it’ll be that. It’s extra suspicious that your CGX is showing 3 digit exponents in the screenshot.

One fix is set the environment variable PRINTF_EXPONENT_DIGITS = 2

Perfect. Thanks Victor.
I had noticed that difference between the two FRD files, and was having a peek at the frd code… The windows build published on works without issue… just my gcc build has an issue. I’ll set the switch and rebuild.