Compile CalculiX complete guide

Hello everyone,
Recently, I published a step-by-step procedure to explain how to compile CalculiX, tested on Linux Kubuntu 24.04.
The web page is:

If anyone would like to contribute by identifying any possible overlooked items or mistakes, it would be greatly appreciated.


This is fantastic, thank you! I had a lot of trouble compiling ccx from source.

I definitely plan to try this and will let you know how it goes!

Thank you. Your help will assist me in finding any possible mistakes and improving my guide


thanks, waiting for TAUCS links available and interested to test comparison with CSi SAPfire.

could you be more precise about CSi SAPfire?
TAUCS is quite obsolete and ristrected to particular kind of analysis.

SAPfire use TAUCS solver, but noticed some modification apply. It has been used for several decades until today by many professional.

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