Can Calculix run across multiple nodes?

These are my best recommendations:

  1. Based on your setup and test runs, it looks like you’re correctly configuring CCX with SLURM or PBS. As @johanngil mentioned, beyond a certain number of cores, the performance gains tend to plateau.

  2. The optimal setup depends heavily on your hardware. That said, SPOOLES wouldn’t be my first choice for CCX. You might see significantly better performance using Intel’s Pardiso (available via the MKL library / oneAPI). Alternatively, PaStiX is a newer solver that may also provide advantages, though it can be challenging to compile. If you’re interested, this guide might help: guide.

  3. To report execution or clock time at each timestep, you can modify the non-linear geometry function (nonlingeo.c). Specifically, look around line 1480, where the loop for increments is handled. Adding timing functions there should allow you to log execution time per timestep.

Best of luck!