Hi all,
In my understanding, CPE6 element should only has 3 integration points. However, when I try to print information on the integration points of one CPE6 element using following command:
*EL PRINT, ELSET = Element_Set-1, FREQUENCY = 10000
And get the following dat file,
S T E P 1
total force (fx,fy,fz) for set FOOTING and time 0.1000000E+01
-2.541947E+00 -2.728767E+01 3.156364E-13
stresses (elem, integ.pnt.,sxx,syy,szz,sxy,sxz,syz) for set ELEMENT_SET-1 and time 0.1000000E+01
772 1 -3.134375E-02 -4.168847E-02 -3.650972E-02 8.558429E-03 -3.000474E-16 4.910472E-15
772 2 -1.898157E-02 -2.876880E-02 -2.387324E-02 8.720810E-03 3.676036E-15 -8.110479E-16
772 3 -3.039993E-02 -4.111506E-02 -3.574695E-02 8.443721E-03 6.359709E-16 -1.281660E-14
772 4 -3.134375E-02 -4.168847E-02 -3.650972E-02 8.558429E-03 -9.571245E-16 -8.933567E-16
772 5 -1.898157E-02 -2.876880E-02 -2.387324E-02 8.720810E-03 -1.100504E-15 6.909238E-16
772 6 -3.039993E-02 -4.111506E-02 -3.574695E-02 8.443721E-03 2.415343E-16 6.398212E-16
772 7 -3.134375E-02 -4.168847E-02 -3.650972E-02 8.558429E-03 -4.695136E-15 1.653942E-14
772 8 -1.898157E-02 -2.876880E-02 -2.387324E-02 8.720810E-03 -9.173169E-15 -1.845234E-14
772 9 -3.039993E-02 -4.111506E-02 -3.574695E-02 8.443721E-03 1.298908E-14 -9.895379E-15
global coordinates (elem, integ.pnt.,x,y,z) for set ELEMENT_SET-1 and time 0.1000000E+01
772 1 3.474444E+02 -6.239917E+02 -3.872983E-01
772 2 3.892147E+02 -5.995540E+02 -3.872983E-01
772 3 3.478147E+02 -5.744767E+02 -3.872983E-01
772 4 3.474444E+02 -6.239917E+02 0.000000E+00
772 5 3.892147E+02 -5.995540E+02 2.081668E-17
772 6 3.478147E+02 -5.744767E+02 0.000000E+00
772 7 3.474444E+02 -6.239917E+02 3.872983E-01
772 8 3.892147E+02 -5.995540E+02 3.872983E-01
772 9 3.478147E+02 -5.744767E+02 3.872983E-01
Among these 9 integration points, 3 points have a z coordinate of -3.872983E-01 and another 3 points have a z coordinate of -3.872983E-01.
I assume the reason is I use 1 mm in the *solid section:
*Solid section, Elset=Internal_Selection-1_Solid_Section-1, Material=Material-1
It seems that this CPE6 element has 9 integration points. That makes me confused.
Kind regards,