Mesh requirements for calculix:Why does the mesh created by salome work, but the mesh created by abaqus doesn't?

Hi everyone, I’m calculating a fluid-solid coupling problem using calculix, openfoam and precice, the fluid and the solid have only one interface, exchanging forces and displacements.
The solid mesh is created with salome or abaqus.
The cube domain generated by salome can be run,as shown below:

But the same cubic domain generated by abaqus will diverge at the corner points:

The mesh settings are the same in both cases, e.g., the size is the same and the element type is C3D8.Openfoam, precice settings are the same in both.
The difference is only in one solid mesh generated with salome and one solid mesh generated with abaqus.They had such different results.
Has anyone had the same problem please? Any suggestions are very welcome! :smiling_face:

Perhaps there is some difference in analysis setup (like BCs or loads applied to differently defined sets. If not and you are sure that it’s a fault of the mesh itself, you should convert both meshes to the same format (possibly .inp) and compare them. Maybe perform some simple test analysis (e.g. frequency) on them.

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Can you share the whole fsi model and the two meshes? I will try to replicate this and take a closer look at the meshes.