Has anyone got much experience in dealing with getting large non-linear models to converge? I keep running into the *TOO MANY CUTBACKS error, and if I increase the mesh at the problem node, it increases the LARGEST RESIDUAL FORCE, almost like a singularity.
Firstly, I’m using:
CCX 2.18_dynamic (pardiso)
Nodes >2.4m of TET10
I cant seem to get it to run without NGLEOM on, whenever i set NGLEOM = OFF, in the solver it turns it back on likely because of the *MPC plane constraint ?
The FRD file is incomplete (no 99999 at the end), every node has 0 displacement in the Z direction except for the first plane where the displacement is imposed on.
Can you share the details about the setup of this simulation - what is the goal of the analysis, what does the whole model look like, how is it constrained and loaded and so on ?
I agree with dichtstoff that you should turn off NLGEOM and remove the *MPCs as well if they’re keeping it on. Seeing the linear static solution will eliminate or reveal a whole lot of potential problems.
Is there a layer of shell elements over the face? Perhaps accidentally left behind by some meshing operation.
Is there a zero-stiffness material? Search the whole .inp file(s) for all *MATERIAL definitions in case an unexpected other one is overriding the one you intend to use.
Or perhaps the fixed_x_nodes/etc. are actually the entire mesh?
You shouldn’t have to remove constraints from common edges but it also wouldn’t cause this problem, so that’s a separate issue.
Couldn’t find any zero-stiffness materials, I only defined and used one material, also checked node selection sets and it seems like they all came out correct. Using mecway i did a quick node selection by equation , selecting all nodes that meet force_z_nodes critera and this node count matched the one i had in this element set. I used Python to do this. I do have a .geo file of this model if that helps.
I think there are some commas missing from *BOUNDARY
should be
shouldn’t it?
I can’t get it to solve at all with only the single comma. Are you sure the file you posted is the same one seen by the solver?
EDIT: Oh, looks like Discourse is corrupting the text so your file was probably fine with 2 commas. Better use Preformatted text for CCX cards to prevent them being corrupted.
You said linear had the same fault, was that *TOO MANY CUTBACKS? I didn’t think linear would ever have that error. Are you sure NLGEOM isn’t being quietly turned on by something else? Does the output say anything about nonlinear, “Iteration 1” or “Newton-Raphson iterative procedure”?
My apologies what I meant is that the result came out the same, this obviously did not get the CUTBACK issue. I guess since its not correctly showing in the linear model, I should start by making this work first. Any idea why this came out the way it did?
OK. Yea certainly get linear working first. I can’t think of any other reason displacement would be zero everywhere else though. Could you show a zoomed in deformed view of the displaced face and its transition to the undeformed area? I don’t know what to expect but maybe some clues in there.
It kind of looks like it hasn’t solved at all and the output is just the initial state. I wonder if PARDISO isn’t working or installed? Maybe don’t specify a solver or choose SPOOLES that should always be a fallback, I think.
You can also keep isolating the problem by removing things until it becomes correct. That includes deleting half the mesh repeatedly. That’s what I do for totally mysterious problems when I don’t have a clue.
Seems like a memory shortage issue. Maybe the matrix solver somehow half-failed and left that wrong solution without completely aborting. Usually it just crashes though. A million nodes is definitely too much for SPOOLES and a lot for the stock CCX PARDISO which would likely need a lot of disk space and/or RAM if it can do it at all.
You can compile CCX to use PARDISO’s Out-of-core mode which should enable that size model with 16 GB RAM and 100 GB free disk space. See option 4 here Improving performance of CCX solver - Forum
I use option 4 already (OOC), using MKL PARDISO and the steps and files provided inside of the Mecway directory. I also have a VM with about 64gb of RAM and 350GB of free SSD storage.
The original model I have been trying to run resulted in a FRD file that is 1GB, (touch over 3m Nodes) This might be related to the issue, I reduced the size of the problem to 1.4m nodes and it worked for a linear result using PARDISO on OOC MKL.
This makes me wonder if there is a NODE limit when trying to run CCX when it comes to direct solvers even with OOC capabilities? If so it would be great if there was an error / warning for this.
Next step now is to run the same problem with NGLEOM = yes at a 1,1 (fullstep) and see if this produces a readable result.
Fingers crossed!
There was certainly a problem with Pastix due to 32 bit integers that was cured with a version compiled 8i, i.e. 8 byte integers. This kind of problem tends to address locations outside intended locations when an address or array index exceeds the integer format used.