number of equations
number of nonzero lower triangular matrix elements
FREEING of variable next, file mastruct.c, line=869: oldaddress= 691068992
FREEING of variable ipkontot, file remastruct.c, line=106: oldaddress= 192761920
FREEING of variable kontot, file remastruct.c, line=106: oldaddress= 737931328
FREEING of variable lakontot, file remastruct.c, line=106: oldaddress= 803225664
FREEING of variable ipointer, file remastruct.c, line=119: oldaddress= 728141888
FREEING of variable mast1, file remastruct.c, line=119: oldaddress= -991297472
REALLOCATION of variable irow, file remastruct.c, line=120: size(bytes)=338449548, oldaddress= 244887616,address= 244887616
REALLOCATION of variable f, file remastruct.c, line=126: size(bytes)=13332696, oldaddress= 466546752,address= 466546752
REALLOCATION of variable fext, file remastruct.c, line=127: size(bytes)=13332696, oldaddress= 527761472,address= 527761472
REALLOCATION of variable b, file remastruct.c, line=128: size(bytes)=13332696, oldaddress= -691277760,address= -691277760
REALLOCATION of variable fini, file remastruct.c, line=129: size(bytes)=13332696, oldaddress= -658472896,address= -658472896
FREEING of variable nactdofinv, file nonlingeo.c, line=1986: oldaddress= 0
ALLOCATION of variable nactdofinv, file nonlingeo.c, line=1987, num=2423100, size=4, address= 728137792
ALLOCATION of variable nodorig, file nonlingeo.c, line=1988, size=2423100, address= 165703744
FREEING of variable nodorig, file nonlingeo.c, line=1991: oldaddress= 165703744
ALLOCATION of variable v, file nonlingeo.c, line=2017, num=2423100, size=8, address= 737902656
ALLOCATION of variable fn, file nonlingeo.c, line=2029, size=19384800, address= 757391424
ALLOCATION of variable stx, file nonlingeo.c, line=2030, num=22665384, size=8, address= 2119213120
ALLOCATION of variable neapar, file setpardou.c, line=46, num=8, size=4, address= 1175620960
ALLOCATION of variable nebpar, file setpardou.c, line=47, num=8, size=4, address= 1175621008
ALLOCATION of variable ithread, file setpardou.c, line=66, num=8, size=4, address= 1175621344
FREEING of variable ithread, file setpardou.c, line=74: oldaddress= 1175621344
FREEING of variable neapar, file setpardou.c, line=74: oldaddress= 1175620960
FREEING of variable nebpar, file setpardou.c, line=74: oldaddress= 1175621008
ALLOCATION of variable neapar, file setpardou.c, line=46, num=8, size=4, address= 1175620960
ALLOCATION of variable nebpar, file setpardou.c, line=47, num=8, size=4, address= 1175621344
ALLOCATION of variable ithread, file setpardou.c, line=66, num=8, size=4, address= 1175621008
FREEING of variable ithread, file setpardou.c, line=74: oldaddress= 1175621008
FREEING of variable neapar, file setpardou.c, line=74: oldaddress= 1175620960
FREEING of variable nebpar, file setpardou.c, line=74: oldaddress= 1175621344
ALLOCATION of variable neapar, file results.c, line=202, num=8, size=4, address= 1175620960
ALLOCATION of variable nebpar, file results.c, line=203, num=8, size=4, address= 1175621008
ALLOCATION of variable ipar, file elementcpuload.c, line=33, num=944391, size=4, address= 192802880
FREEING of variable ipar, file elementcpuload.c, line=62: oldaddress= 192802880
ALLOCATION of variable fn1, file results.c, line=206, num=19384800, size=8, address= -1994391488
ALLOCATION of variable qa1, file results.c, line=207, num=32, size=8, address= 1176009408
ALLOCATION of variable nal, file results.c, line=208, num=8, size=4, address= 1175621104
ALLOCATION of variable energysms1, file results.c, line=209, num=8, size=8, address= 548265152
Using up to 8 cpu(s) for the stress calculation.
ALLOCATION of variable ithread, file results.c, line=240, num=8, size=4, address= 1175621152
FREEING of variable fn1, file results.c, line=256: oldaddress= -1994391488
FREEING of variable ithread, file results.c, line=256: oldaddress= 1175621152
FREEING of variable neapar, file results.c, line=256: oldaddress= 1175620960
FREEING of variable nebpar, file results.c, line=256: oldaddress= 1175621008
FREEING of variable qa1, file results.c, line=295: oldaddress= 1176009408
FREEING of variable nal, file results.c, line=306: oldaddress= 1175621104
FREEING of variable energysms1, file results.c, line=316: oldaddress= 548265152
ALLOCATION of variable nkapar, file forparll.c, line=44, num=8, size=4, address= 1175620960
ALLOCATION of variable nkbpar, file forparll.c, line=45, num=8, size=4, address= 1175621008
ALLOCATION of variable ithread, file forparll.c, line=66, num=8, size=4, address= 1175621104
FREEING of variable ithread, file forparll.c, line=74: oldaddress= 1175621104
FREEING of variable nkapar, file forparll.c, line=74: oldaddress= 1175620960
FREEING of variable nkbpar, file forparll.c, line=74: oldaddress= 1175621008
ALLOCATION of variable neapar, file cpypardou.c, line=47, num=8, size=4, address= 1175621344
ALLOCATION of variable nebpar, file cpypardou.c, line=48, num=8, size=4, address= 1175621104
ALLOCATION of variable ithread, file cpypardou.c, line=67, num=8, size=4, address= 1175621152
FREEING of variable ithread, file cpypardou.c, line=75: oldaddress= 1175621152
FREEING of variable neapar, file cpypardou.c, line=75: oldaddress= 1175621344
FREEING of variable nebpar, file cpypardou.c, line=75: oldaddress= 1175621104
ALLOCATION of variable neapar, file cpypardou.c, line=47, num=8, size=4, address= 1175620960
ALLOCATION of variable nebpar, file cpypardou.c, line=48, num=8, size=4, address= 1175621008
ALLOCATION of variable ithread, file cpypardou.c, line=67, num=8, size=4, address= 1175621104
FREEING of variable ithread, file cpypardou.c, line=75: oldaddress= 1175621104
FREEING of variable neapar, file cpypardou.c, line=75: oldaddress= 1175620960
FREEING of variable nebpar, file cpypardou.c, line=75: oldaddress= 1175621008
FREEING of variable fn, file nonlingeo.c, line=2147: oldaddress= 757391424
FREEING of variable v, file nonlingeo.c, line=2147: oldaddress= 737902656
FREEING of variable stx, file nonlingeo.c, line=2148: oldaddress= 2119213120
ALLOCATION of variable resold, file nonlingeo.c, line=2167, num=1666587, size=8, address= 737886272
ALLOCATION of variable ad, file nonlingeo.c, line=2437, num=1666587, size=8, address= 751267904
ALLOCATION of variable au, file nonlingeo.c, line=2438, num=84612387, size=8, address= 2119213120
ALLOCATION of variable neapar, file mafillsmmain.c, line=150, num=8, size=4, address= 1175620960
ALLOCATION of variable nebpar, file mafillsmmain.c, line=151, num=8, size=4, address= 1175621008
ALLOCATION of variable ipar, file elementcpuload.c, line=33, num=944391, size=4, address= 192761920
FREEING of variable ipar, file elementcpuload.c, line=62: oldaddress= 192761920
ALLOCATION of variable ad1, file mafillsmmain.c, line=182, num=13332696, size=8, address= -1498804160
ALLOCATION of variable au1, file mafillsmmain.c, line=183, num=676899096, size=8, address= 1785344064
ALLOCATION of variable fext1, file mafillsmmain.c, line=186, num=13332696, size=8, address= -1392091072
ALLOCATION of variable nmethod1, file mafillsmmain.c, line=202, num=8, size=4, address= 1175621104
Using up to 8 cpu(s) for the symmetric stiffness/mass contributions.
ALLOCATION of variable ithread, file mafillsmmain.c, line=252, num=8, size=4, address= 1175621152
FREEING of variable ithread, file mafillsmmain.c, line=260: oldaddress= 1175621152
FREEING of variable neapar, file mafillsmmain.c, line=260: oldaddress= 1175620960
FREEING of variable nebpar, file mafillsmmain.c, line=260: oldaddress= 1175621008
FREEING of variable ad1, file mafillsmmain.c, line=286: oldaddress= -1498804160
FREEING of variable au1, file mafillsmmain.c, line=309: oldaddress= 1785344064
FREEING of variable fext1, file mafillsmmain.c, line=320: oldaddress= -1392091072
FREEING of variable nmethod1, file mafillsmmain.c, line=392: oldaddress= 1175621104
ALLOCATION of variable b_backup, file pastix.c, line=1015, num=1666587, size=8, address= 764653632
Not reusing csc.
ALLOCATION of variable icolPrev, file pastix.c, line=489, num=1666587, size=4, address= 778063936
ALLOCATION of variable irowPrev, file pastix.c, line=490, num=84612387, size=4, address= -1498779584
ALLOCATION of variable jqPrev, file pastix.c, line=491, num=1666588, size=4, address= 784797760
ALLOCATION of variable irowpastix, file pastix.c, line=526, num=170891361, size=4, address= -1005662144
ALLOCATION of variable icolpastix, file pastix.c, line=533, num=1666588, size=4, address= 791519296
ALLOCATION of variable irowacc, file pastix.c, line=539, num=1666587, size=4, address= 798265408
ALLOCATION of variable irowPrediction, file pastix.c, line=544, num=84612387, size=4, address= -1160257472
Version: 6.0.1
sequential: Enabled
thread static: Started
thread dynamic: Disabled
PaRSEC: Disabled
StarPU: Disabled
Number of MPI processes: 1
Number of threads per process: 8
Number of GPUs: 0
MPI communication support: Disabled
Distribution level: 2D( 128)
Blocking size (min/max): 1024 / 2048
Matrix type: General
Arithmetic: Float
Format: CSC
N: 1666587
nnz: 170891361
Ordering step :
Ordering method is: Scotch
Time to compute ordering: 2.6951
Symbolic factorization step:
Symbol factorization using: Fax Direct
Number of nonzeroes in L structure: -1318890835
Fill-in of L: -7.717715
Time to compute symbol matrix: 0.5433
Reordering step:
Split level: 0
Stoping criteria: -1
Time for reordering: 4.3406
Analyse step:
Number of non-zeroes in blocked L: 1657185626
Fill-in: 9.697305
Number of operations in full-rank LU : 38.58 TFlops
Model: AMD 6180 MKL
Time to factorize: 666.8213
Time for analyze: 0.0723
Factorization step:
Factorization used: LU
Time to initialize internal csc: 2.8220