I am following an online tutorial to learn non-linear simulation, and have been stumped by the first problem.
This model has been set up in both Mecway and PrePoMax, and is supposed to demonstrate the membrane state of some beams, so one run with Linear Material, Linear Geometry (which solves fine in under a second with correct results), and another run with Linear Material, and Non-Linear Geometry, which fails no matter what I try:
Different solvers (PASTIX, PARDISO, SPOOLES), automatic and small direct iterations.
Can anybody see anything that might be causing an issue?
I see some people have issues with large deflections or some NL problems with CCX, but generally on very large models - I still have this problem on just the 1m long beam (~1000 elements).
Hard to say without knowing almost anything about the model itself - geometry, type of elements, boundary conditions, loads, constraints/interactions and so on.
I think your boundary conditions are inconsistent for a non linear problem using membrane elements that don’t have out of plane stiffness. These membrane elements are built in ccx (check the manual, please) from the shell elements, so in order membrane to work you should block as well rotX, rotY degrees of freedom of ALL nodes (dofs 4,5), maybe even rotZ at the attachments.