Hi all, I am trying to do a static analysis for a composite laminate, I have tried to build an MPC on top of the laminate and apply a unit load on it to the reference point. It ran without errors, but the calculated results showed that the entire model was not deformed, I don’t understand what went wrong?
i’m not sure about your ref and rot node?
you have a negitve ref rot node?
maybe you can check your load with
*NODE PRINT, NSET=refrotnode
So by MPC you just mean rigid body constraint ? REF NODE and ROT NODE should have different numbers. Rigid body constraints can be defined in PrePoMax.
Can you share the whole input file ? Maybe put it on some hosting website.
thanks a lot!I rechecked the input file and found that the reference node for the rigid body constraint did not exist, and after I replaced the reference node for the rigid body constraint with the correct node, the results of the static analysis were correct
Hello, for the same model, I encountered an issue of incompatibility between the composite shell element and MPC under explicit dynamics. Therefore, I deleted all MPC in the model and averaged the Cload on the reference point to all nodes of the specified section to avoid the use of MPC. However, I still encountered the following error during operation. What could be the reason for this?