External solver comparison for nonlinear analysis of shell element

hi, i successfully running several tests of thin-walled steel section in CalculiX with shell element. Analysis type is large deformation and material plasticity to detect buckling behavior, compression loads applied as displacement control. It could be interesting and took benefit when anyone has access to commercial FE solver to reproduce the problem and reporting the results, i can provide mesh with imperfection of linear or quadratic element, also a problem sketch for each model. Thank you.

below several models and result of deformed mesh in true scale rendered with CGX.

Hello. A small question. Do you have a “double” shell wall to simulate the thin wall?
or is only 1 shell element and in the visualization, you are showing a “thickness”?

hi, all plot of deformed result is default view using quadratic shell element with layering by composite options in CalculiX. Actually, only one element of solid trough the thickness generated internally during expansion, but number of integrations are doubled the layers (all my test using four stacks)

OK Thanks.
I’m not skilled enough with CGX but I get the idea.
Can you provide the models, ideally also the problem sketches you mentioned?

thank you for interest, please be specific commercial FE solver and mesh format needed.

if you can provide stl sketches and then solver file in calculix or Abaqus.
I basically have access to all solvers, Nastran, Ansys, Abaqus…
Basically, if you can share one model and it’s results in ccx/cgx, I can have a look at it.

that’s great solver, Ansys and Abaqus could be good as comparison. I started by simple ones of Rectangular hollow sections.

Problem setup is quite simple, boundary condition of top and bottom are fixed in all translation and rotation but one translation in Z direction use displacement control with -15mm magnitudes.

mesh file of linear element (Abaqus) and quadratic (Ansys) are stored in MEGA drive and below material data with plasticity in true stress/strain, units of MPa. Shell element properties 5mm thickness.

*Material, Name=Steel
*Elastic 210000, 0.28 
250, 0 
300, 0.02 
350, 0.05 
525, 0.4

i can update the drive to provide mesh of all models if you’re still need another benchmark and comparison, thank you