CalculiX GraphiX manual pdf hyperlink not readable since 2.18


i can not read the pdf manual since 2.18 because the size of the hyperlink line is to big.
for CalculiX CrunchiX manual the size of the line from the mark is fine !?

I’m using Acrobat Reader DC:

wbr dichtstoff

i have checked the pdf, and there is a different with the value of the border width:
manual cgx pdf value is 111.1 pt
manual ccx pdf value is 1 pt

Thanks for the hint Mr. Dichtstoff. I am aware of it but had no success to avoid it. The problem shows up when using okular but not when using firefox with its pdf viewer (on my PC). So please try some other viewer for the time being.

Best regards,

I had this issue with PDF XChange Editor. Selecting all the links in the links editor and changing the line thickness to 1 and then saving the pdf solved it for me.

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these solution is so easy and perfect! :slight_smile:
I have wasted lot of time with searching a solution with pdf reader.

works great. thnx a lot. :wink:


go on button Add/Eddit Links
select all with strg and A
change to 1 pt

If you like Klaus, we can change it for the next version for you,
before you upload it!?
it would be a pleasure to support you!

here i stored versin 2.18 and 2.19

Oh, yes. It works. I will forward it to Guido that he can place the corrected doc on his page. But I really wonder why this problem exists at all. I used dvipdf to convert the latex doc to pdf.

same problem with ccx and cgx 2.20.pdf

Groundhog Day


Hello Mr. Dichtstoff,
thanks for the hint. We corrected it in the described way. Using 1pt produces the intended result when using okular as a viewer but unfortunately no borderlines at all are visible with all the others I have available (firefox etc). When using 2pt the borderlines are good when using for example firefox (as it already was without manipulations) but with okular the text inside the box was somewhat hidden. Nevertheless we decided to use 1pt as a compromise. Does somebody know a way to avoid that problem in the first place when using latex with dvipdf?