About abaqus input decks

Thanks. Can you send the modified inp file to me so that I will run it at my HPC?

2 files: modified input deck + missed node files (check manual http://www.dhondt.de/ccx_2.17.pdf)

*INFO in gentiedmpc:
   failed nodes (if any) are stored in file
   This file can be loaded into
   an active cgx-session by typing
   read WarnNodeMissTiedContact.nam inp

The model can complete running with large RAM.

Hi, I have an issue. For the same input deck the results between ccx and abaqus are clearly different. So I wonder whether the contour value in cgx is average or original?

from the manual


I am trying to become familiar with CalculiX. I am running CalculiX on Windows using bConverged. The installation seems to be correct as I am able to run example files and some small .inp files without any issues.

However, my goal is to use CalculiX for finite element analysis on bone. To achieve this, I modified an Abaqus input file to make it compatible with CalculiX.

When I run the modified file, it exits without any errors or output. I also tried using “cae_20230122_v0.9.1_windows” but couldn’t identify why this input file is not running properly. I ran the code on a computer with 64 GB of RAM, so I don’t believe the issue is related to memory limitations.

Could you please check my input file and CalculiX log, and suggest what I might be doing wrong?

Please note that the file size is quite large (about 52 MB), and I have attached it.

Best Regards,
Ram Naresh



C:\PROGRA~2\BCONVE~1\CalculiX\bin\ccx.bat SBC7CompCalculi

CalculiX Version 2.22, Copyright(C) 1998-2024 Guido Dhondt
CalculiX comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free
software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
certain conditions, see gpl.htm

You are using an executable made on Sun Aug 4 19:39:24 2024

The numbers below are estimated upper bounds

number of:

nodes: 1340850
elements: 423914
one-dimensional elements: 0
two-dimensional elements: 0
integration points per element: 1
degrees of freedom per node: 3
layers per element: 1

distributed facial loads: 0
distributed volumetric loads: 0
concentrated loads: 0
single point constraints: 2683322
multiple point constraints: 2683321
terms in all multiple point constraints: 16099921
tie constraints: 0
dependent nodes tied by cyclic constraints: 0
dependent nodes in pre-tension constraints: 0

sets: 1425
terms in all sets: 4108

materials: 1422
constants per material and temperature: 2
temperature points per material: 1
plastic data points per material: 0

orientations: 0
amplitudes: 2
data points in all amplitudes: 2
print requests: 4
transformations: 0
property cards: 0


*INFO reading *STEP: nonlinear geometric
effects are turned off

Static analysis was selected

Decascading the MPC’s

Determining the structure of the matrix:
Using up to 1 cpu(s) for setting up the structure of the matrix.
number of equations
number of nonzero lower triangular matrix elements

Using up to 1 cpu(s) for the stress calculation.

Using up to 1 cpu(s) for the symmetric stiffness/mass contributions.

Not reusing csc.

  • PaStiX : Parallel Sparse matriX package     +

Version: 6.0.1
sequential: Enabled
thread static: Started
thread dynamic: Disabled
PaRSEC: Disabled
StarPU: Disabled
Number of MPI processes: 1
Number of threads per process: 1
Number of GPUs: 0
MPI communication support: Disabled
Distribution level: 2D( 128)
Blocking size (min/max): 1024 / 2048

Matrix type: General
Arithmetic: Float
Format: CSC
N: 1168319
nnz: 91709365

Exit code: 0

At first glance, the input deck looks good. CalculiX often has issues with large models and it’s using just 1 CPU in your case, you should set OMP_NUM_THREADS to the number of physical cores you have. I would also recommend using Pardiso - this solver is the best for large models.

1 Like

Thank you so much for your response.

I tried running it on multiple cores, but I’m not sure how to incorporate “OMP_NUM_THREADS” in the input file. Before running Calculix using bConverged, I set “OMP_NUM_THREADS = 24” in the command window, but I was still unable to run it on multiple cores.

Could you please suggest how to configure it for multicore usage and how to change the solver?

Best Regards,
Ram Naresh

it’s required to modify cmdStartup.bat file at installation directory as admin. Another setting may need also OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS for PaStiX solver.

1 Like

it’s working for me. I suggest you install last version of prepomax, then run the solver from the command window using the executable found in prepomax installation folder/Solver.
Results look weird, check your BCs

I used the Pardiso solver and got different result from yours

I also used pardiso, so the explanation has to be another one.

For the first calculation I used my own compilation of ccx_2.22,
but when I use the Pardiso solver version ccx_dynamic included in with the PrePoMax 2.1.0

CalculiX Version 2.21, Copyright(C) 1998-2023 Guido Dhondt
CalculiX comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free
software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
certain conditions, see gpl.htm

You are using an executable made on Sat Jul 29 17:24:57 2023

the solver will exit very shortly after start without the job finished message.

so for me it looks like the ccx source is having at least 1 floating, noninitialized or out of bound variable for this dataset

1 Like

Thank you every one for your kind response.
I also able run this problem with “cae_…_v0.9.1” using the default solver. I got the same result as posted by @fgr .
I also tried to run using PrepPoMax v2.1.11 dev, but in this case I did not able to run the problem and it got exist without any error doe static analysis (see below).
I did not able to change solver so can you please provide steps to change solver?

C:\WINDOWS\system32>set OMP_NUM_THREADS=24


E:>cd E:\FEM\SPINEExample

E:\FEM\SPINEExample>ccx_static SBC7CompCalculi.inp

CalculiX Version 2.22, Copyright(C) 1998-2024 Guido Dhondt
CalculiX comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free
software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
certain conditions, see gpl.htm

You are using an executable made on Sun Aug 4 19:39:24 2024
*ERROR in readinput: cannot open file SBC7CompCalculi.inp.inp

E:\FEM\SPINEExample>ccx_static SBC7CompCalculi

CalculiX Version 2.22, Copyright(C) 1998-2024 Guido Dhondt
CalculiX comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free
software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
certain conditions, see gpl.htm

You are using an executable made on Sun Aug 4 19:39:24 2024

The numbers below are estimated upper bounds

number of:

nodes: 1340850
elements: 423914
one-dimensional elements: 0
two-dimensional elements: 0
integration points per element: 1
degrees of freedom per node: 3
layers per element: 1

distributed facial loads: 0
distributed volumetric loads: 0
concentrated loads: 0
single point constraints: 2683322
multiple point constraints: 2683321
terms in all multiple point constraints: 16099921
tie constraints: 0
dependent nodes tied by cyclic constraints: 0
dependent nodes in pre-tension constraints: 0

sets: 1425
terms in all sets: 4108

materials: 1422
constants per material and temperature: 2
temperature points per material: 1
plastic data points per material: 0

orientations: 0
amplitudes: 2
data points in all amplitudes: 2
print requests: 4
transformations: 0
property cards: 0

E:\FEM\SPINEExample>ccx_dynamic SBC7CompCalculi

*Static, solver=pardiso

similar for any other procedure

1 Like

In my compiled version 2.20 for macOS I get Segmentation fault: 11, so there is a bug in the input reader I guess but not sure what can be. I’ll try placing material definition before *solid section and things like that later. Maybe you can try tweaking the translation parameters in abaqus cae

Can you try compiling with debugging symbols to diagnose where it is happening?

I apologise but don’t have time for that right now, and it is not my strong point, I just compiled it in the past following the instructions. Maybe should be reported at Github