1-D Hydraulic with Thermal Analysis


I have used Calculix in the form of a solver using MECWAY and with PrePoMax and have been exploring some of its other capability recently. To be honest I am still learning how to format the input cards/deck and am not very good at it yet, so this question may be simple and a misunderstanding on my part.

I saw that the solver has the capability to solve fluid networks utilizing pipes, etc but its not clear to me if it is able to do this on a transient basis and with thermal mass involved as it appears to only be resistive network analysis. Can anyone shed light if it is possible to perform both simultanously via a COUPLED anaylsis?

For reference, in professional life I use SINDA/FLUINT/Thermal Desktop daily which does RC type fluid thermal network analyses and I am interested if Calculix can do the same at home.

Yes, it should be possible since fluid network elements support thermal effects. But they are limited to stationary flows. Check the CalculiX User’s Manual chapters 6.2.37. Three node network element (D) and 6.9.17. Hydraulic Networks.

Thanks, I will take a look at those sections.

I assume by stationary you mean that transient solutions are not possible then?

Yes, steady-state flows only. It’s explained (along with equations) in chapter 6.9.17.