I am curious if it is possible to edit the calculix file that prepomax creates when doing FEA?
I want to start learning the basics of calculix language and code and was wondering how to edit the one prepomax made for me when i did a test run last week?
Second, since prepomax installs calculix, how do i open calculix to create a new scenario to run? Maybe i am misunderstanding how calculix works but i am under the impression it is a notepad type UI and i add code to it and then run it?
The first sample excercise uses a meshed beam. Do i need to mesh a step file in gmsh? or where does this beam and mesh come from. Bare in mind, im used to using freecad as the FEA so this process is new to me. I would like to learn to mesh a step file in gmsh, then use that in calculix if possible. and also edit the fea i created in prepomax so i can add more things o r at least look at the code
Then im guessing once i run calculix to solve the problem, i can view the results in prepomax or paraview?
prepomax has the posibility to export your project to calculix *.inp file.
you can open the *.inp file with calcix in bconvergd or with a stand alone
software like CL34-win64.
alternatively, there’s InpEditor as single packages: folding/scrolling run smooth, model viewer, group of nodes, convergence monitor, calling CCX/CGX internally, templates, etc.
right, as seen in figures. CalculiX CCX (solver) and CGX (pre/post-processor) executable files can be taken from official website, then set in Tools menu and Options. Model viewer and groups are built in, it runs smooth and fast.