Every time I use contacts in Prepomax version 1.3.1, I get these warnings about conductivity and specific heat not being assigned to the surface interaction card. In prepomax I do add the thermal properties to the surface interaction, which is basically the gap conductance. There is however, no option to add specific heat to the contact and it is illogical since its not a material, nor does it have mass to hold heat.
Anyone else noticed this?
*WARNING in calinput: no specific heat
was assigned to material SURFACE_INTERACTION-1 in a transient
heat transfer calculation
*WARNING in calinput: no specific heat
was assigned to material SURFACE_INTERACTION-2 in a transient
heat transfer calculation
*WARNING in calinput: no specific heat
was assigned to material TIED in a transient
heat transfer calculation
*WARNING in calinput: no conductivity
constants were assigned to material SURFACE_INTERACTION-1
in a thermo(mechanical) calculation
*WARNING in calinput: no conductivity
constants were assigned to material SURFACE_INTERACTION-2
in a thermo(mechanical) calculation
*WARNING in calinput: no conductivity
constants were assigned to material TIED
in a thermo(mechanical) calculation