Simulating bending-active parts (or reusing stress-deformed shape as input)

Hello, I have a few use cases in the following general fashion -

  1. a solid is elastically bent into some shape - could be a plate or rod (beam), which results in certain geometry and (pre)stress
  2. some other solids are further added, which are not necessarily elastically bent.
  3. The constraints and loads creating the bending in (1) is removed, but the bending is sustained by the solids added in (2) - note that this will allow some spring-back in the solids in (1) while adding some (pre)stress in solids in (2)
  4. Other loads are applied.

An example is the following, in which the wood core is elastically bent (solid in (1))
while the CFRP laminate just follow the shape (solid in (2))

In the curing process, the wood core remains elastically forced in to a shape (however, the shape it self comes from bending with simpler boundary conditions, so we can treat the core to be bent by these boundary conditions instead), while the CFRP laminate can be seen as stress free. When the vacuum bag is removed the cured CFRP laminate pulls back on the core and develops some prestress.

What would be the general work flow?

I found part of the answer - the deformed mesh can be saved by send all abq in post processing and reused.

However, how shall I “initialize” the stress? I don’t think the *PRE-TENSION tag works in this scenario.

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