Running CCX with more cpus

Hello everyone,

I’m currently encountering an issue with CPUs while running my model. When using the command CMD--- ccx_static file.inp, the solver seems to utilize only one CPU. Given the size of my assembly, this results in the solver quitting without providing any error messages.

I would greatly appreciate assistance on how to increase the number of CPUs on a Windows system for this particular simulation.

Thank you in advance for your help.

You will need to set the environment parameter OMP_NUM_THREADS with the number of cpus/threads you want to use for the ccx simulation.

You can as example do it before you execute the ccx command. You only need to do it once in the same command shell

Type setx OMP_NUM_THREADS "number_of_your_cpus" in the command line or use System Properties —> Advanced —> Environment Variables… to add a new variable named OMP_NUM_THREADS with the value being the number of cpus. To check the value of this variable using the command line, type: echo %OMP_NUM_THREADS%

Thanks Dear for your support

Thanks @Calc_em for your support