Non uniform film *FILM FxNUy

Hello, how can I associate a non uniform film to a surface in ccx?
I read that there is a card
surface, FxNUy
and the subroutine film.f needs.
I dont understand what is y in FxNUy and how I can include the subroutine film.f.

In abaqus normally I use this card and everything works. I dont need to associate the subroutine film.
Thank you in advance

From the documentation:

Film flux characterized by a uniform film coefficient is entered by the distributed flux type label Fx where x is the number of the face, followed by the sink temperature and the film coefficient. If the film coefficient is nonuniform the label takes the form FxNUy and a user subroutine film.f must be provided specifying the value of the film coefficient and the sink temperature. The label can be up to 20 characters long. In particular, y can be used to distinguish different nonuniform film coefficient patterns (maximum 16 characters).

So x is the face number (like with a standard *FILM type) while y is used if you have multiple non-standard film fields.

Unfortunately, CalculiX subroutines typically require compiling from the source.

How can compiling this subroutine or a user subroutine from the source?