I am desperately trying to compile Calculix with PaStiX on an Ubuntu computer with an AMD gpu (thus can’t compile with CUDA). It was difficult and solving a couple of issues I came across a problem I can’t figure out anymore. It compiles and links yieling no serious issues but trying to run with an input file, Calculix crashes with a segmentation fault. I was able to use a debugger and locate the issue. When the input file is read in “readinput.c”, the program continues to run Fortran
FORTRAN(keystart, (&ifreeinp, ipoinp, inp, "REST", nline, &ikey));
where it crashes at this line:
It seems the values of “ifreeinp” and “iline” are rather the pointer adresses (like 81604378625) but the actual values.
I was able before to compile Calculix with PaStiX without issues. How could this happen? I don’t fully understand how Fortran is invoked in the code.
My make file is:
FFLAGS = -Wall -O2 -fopenmp -fpic -fdefault-integer-8
.c.o :
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
.f.o :
$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -c $<
include Makefile.inc
SCCXMAIN = ccx_2.21.c
OCCXF = $(SCCXF:.f=.o)
OCCXC = $(SCCXC:.c=.o)
PASTIX_INCLUDE = ../PaStiX/pastix_i8/include
PASTIX_LIBS = ../OpenBLAS_i8/libopenblas.a \
../PaStiX/pastix_i8/lib/libpastix.a ../OpenBLAS_i8/libopenblas.a -lpthread -lm ../PaStiX/pastix_i8/lib/libspm.a \
../PaStiX/pastix_i8/lib/libpastix_parsec.a ../PaStiX/pastix_i8/lib/libpastix_kernels.a ../OpenBLAS_i8/libopenblas.a -lrt \
../PaStiX/parsec_i8/lib/libparsec.so \
-lpthread -ldl -lrt \
-lrt \
../PaStiX/scotch_i8/lib/libscotch.a ../PaStiX/scotch_i8/lib/libscotcherrexit.a -lpthread -lz -lm /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgomp.so.1
LIBS = \
$(DIR)/spooles.a \
../ARPACK/libarpack_linux.a \
-lpthread -lm -lc -lhwloc
ccx_2.21_i8: $(OCCXMAIN) ccx_2.21.a $(LIBS)
./date.pl; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c ccx_2.21.c; $(FC) -Wall -O2 -o $@ \
$(OCCXMAIN) ccx_2.21.a $(LIBS)
ccx_2.21.a: $(OCCXF) $(OCCXC)
ar vr $@ $?
I really hope someone can help me. Or does someone know a source to get binaries precompiled for Ubuntu with PaStiX?
Kind regards,