I am running a preCICE coupled simulation on an Abrasive Water Jet Nozzle.
I have particles impacting the solid.
I have the material of the Nozzle as Tungsten:
705000000000., 0.31
I am monitoring displacements at two points.
The displacements are in the range of 1e-08m to 1e-07m.
After looking at the displacement visually, I can confirm that the displacements seem ok, as I can see maximum displacements at impact sight of particles.
Here is a plot of displacements:
How can I make sure these values are correct and not just computational noise?
(this is a question raised by one of the colleagues)
Here is the simulation type I am running:
*STEP, NLGEOM, INC=1000000
1.E-6, 0.997
Thank you.