Different frequency for .dat file and *Node File

Dear CalculiX Users,

I am trying to plot results in different frequency for .dat file and *NODE/EL File. but it seems model consider the last defined frequency. For example in my output card I have written:

*Node File, Frequency=10, Output=3d
U, V,
*El File, Frequency=10
S, E,
*NODE PRINT, NSET=nodeset_gvertex9366, Frequency=1
U, V

the results both in NODE/EL File and .dat file are in frequency 1, while i need the results of Node file in frequency 10.

does anyone has a solution for it?


How many increments are there in this analysis ? When you set FREQUENCY=10, the results are saved every 10th increment so they will be written only once if the number of increments is lower than 10.

thank you for your reply. But the incremnets are more than 1000.

A quote from the documentation:

The value of N applies to *OUTPUT,*ELEMENT OUTPUT, *EL FILE, *ELPRINT, *NODE OUTPUT, *NODE FILE, *NODE PRINT, *SECTION PRINT,*CONTACT OUTPUT, *CONTACT FILE and *CONTACT PRINT. If the FREQUENCY parameter is used for more than one of these keywords with conflicting values of N, the last value applies to all.

So it’s actually overridden in such cases and it’s a limitation, not a bug. However, I wouldn’t expect it to work like that. Especially when a different frequency is specified for field and history output requests.

You mean, there is no any thechnic to meet this demad somehow?

You could try some workarounds. Currently, it seems that you have to choose between:

  • all the results being written every increment - too much field output data, may take a significant amount of disc space and result in harder postprocessing
  • all the results being written every 10 increments - field output will be fine but you will have to work with less frequently saved dat file output

All in all, it depends on your particular case. Maybe history output doesn’t have to be saved every increment in this analysis.

Maybe you can use *Frequency for one and *Time points for the other output request. As I understand the documentation that should be possible but I have not tested it myself.