hi, is it appropriates using soft layer at core in shell element with composite options? all result shown large discrepancy compared to solid model, An example of plate is 100mm x 100mm dimension, thickness is 10mm, three side fixed and one is free support. Surface load applied partially at center with 10N/mm2 values. Outer layer has 1mm thickness and material is steel, core layer is plastic(ABS) material,
I don’t think so because the shear strain would be very different in each material and a shell element wouldn’t be able to capture that well with only linear strain (quadratic displacement) through the thickness. Perhaps if you look at the deformed shape of the section, you can see if it’s kind of Z-shaped when it’s in shear? I expect not.
indeed, it seems composite shell element still have limitation due to shear transverse. Varying stiffness of elastic modulus can not be too large, maybe about 5 to 10 still acceptable but case dependent. Probably it works best for in plane loads rather than out of plane.
Most of my work with CalculiX involves composites (often sandwich structures). I prefer to explicitly create the differeny layers, mesh them separately and connect them with TIE using NEIGH. Like this:
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:ft=cgx
# All values in SI units: m,s,kg,N,Pa,J
# (length,time,mass,force,stress,energy).
rot -z
rot d 30
rot r 30
valu L 0.1
valu divL 20
seto bot
pnt ! 0 0 0
swep bot new tra L 0 0 20
swep bot new tra 0 L 0 20
setc bot
seto botskin
swep bot IB1 tra 0 0 0.001 2
setc botskin
seto core
swep IB1 IB2 tra 0 0 0.008 8
setc core
seto topskin
swep IB2 topsur tra 0 0 0.001 2
setc topskin
# node 1 X Y Z
elty all he20r
mesh botskin
mesh core
mesh topskin
# Node sets for fixation and rigid body load.
seta nodes n all
enq nodes fix1 rec _ 0 0 1e-6
seta fix n fix1
enq nodes fix2 rec 0 _ 0 1e-6
seta fix n fix2
enq nodes fix3 rec _ L 0 1e-6
seta fix n fix3
# Show the mesh and selected nodes.
zoom 0.8
view elem
plus n fix r 8
#plus n load b 8
valu output no
# Write data
if output eq yes
# Tie together different meshes, when not using “mesh all”.
neigh all 1e-5 abq tie
# This creates DCF* and ICF* files. Combine them with:
# cat DCF* ICF* > ties.sur
# rm -f ICF* DCF*
send all abq
send botskin abq nam
send core abq nam
send topskin abq nam
send fix abq nam