I have some trouble to compile ccx with pardiso (using ubuntu 20.04). I downloaded the .so pardiso file and stored the licence key in pardiso.lic as recommended, but I’m not sure how to link this at the makefile and I guess I need some additional files. The ccx documentation is quite short at this point.
Has someone here a working makefile for this case or can say me what additional steps are necessary? Would help me a lot…
I have been getting following error while compiling with Pardiso: *** No rule to make target '-L/home/pc/CalculiX_mod/PARDISO/'
The so file is in the location specified after -L.
If anyone could point out what might be the reason, that would be so helpful
Hi Manny, could you share your Makefile? This way I can compare and see what is going on… Note that I used the file from the direct Pardiso Project named: libpardiso600-GNU800-X86-64.so.