Did anyone tried to modify the code to have pardiso running in out-of-core mode? Apparently seams simple, just to set iparm[59]=1, has described in the following link:
(I know, the devil normally is in the details!)
This is also a suggestion to improve CalculiX as an out-of-core option would certainly allow for much larger models (at the expense of speed off course).
Maybe a simple way to do this would be to allow another solver option, for example SOLVER=PARDISO-OUT-OF-CORE. This is again just a suggestion.
Ive noticed that the changes related with pardiso occ as proposed by viktorkemp were not commited on the main branch, so it seams not taken yet to next version.
Once you have the executable and all the necessary libraries ready, you can put them in the Solver catalog of PrePoMax and select the executable file in Tools → Settings → Calculix.
Hi, so all I basically have to do is, add these files to the ccx_dynamic folder of prepomax, set the environment variables and calculix, and then voila?
To the Solver folder, yes (and select the new .exe file in the settings unless the old one was replaced and the new one has the same name), assuming that you have the executable ready (you may have to recompile it).