Calculix Component for Cubit: .frd and .dat conversion to paraview, projection of displacement from .frd to cubit

Hello everyone,

i’ve made an update to the Calculix Component for Cubit.

It is now possible to convert the results after a run to paraview formats. if the results can be linked with the data in cubit (which usually works, except for shells and beams with 3d output) then the information of the element-, node- and sidesets will be used to create partitioned data set collections.
Not just the .frd data will be converted but also the .dat data with integration point results. The position of the integration points will be computed according to the shape functions and gauss points from the calculix source code.

it is now also possible to project the displacements from .frd back to cubit.

a little feedback would be good, especially for bug fixing


This is awesome! Thank you for sharing your work with the community!