i see, that spring constante is necessary value for SPRINGA.
i have now displacement 0.01372
and with spring constant, and with the relativ displacement i get my force.
ok thnx for your help. I know why i prefere a truss element !!!
I will check if i can use *RIGID BODY with truss and or springa element,
to connect the surface instead only one node!?
Is it possible, to use truss element with the one-node 3-dimensional spring (SPRING1) element?
two more questions:
can i use in ccx also these auxiliary construction with the dummy element?
and if i read out the result with a fbd file, i can not see my springa element?
Right. Maybe someone knows a ccx comand to get the tension on the spring directly but I’dont. I need to measure elongation and then extract the Force form simple interpolation on the curve.
Why? You have the same problem ¿isn’t it?. You comment you also need to measure the force inidectly through the stress*Area.
I don’t see why not. The spring will go from REF node to REF NODE.