This is my approach with isotropic expansion. Comparision with the expected value is above.
Note that just with thermal expansion (if you remove load) , displacement results match with the Abaqus linear solution. That’s why we suspect nonlinear is not active for thermal expansion.
Abaqus reports .49m of displacement to each direction with 0.98m overall length increase for the nonlinear process but that’s not a good reference to compare with ccx as they use different formulation.(SEE NOTE)
Ccx Strains without load shows an homogeneous S11=0.48 across the bar without load and zero Stresses.That means it’s using a Lagrange (Green) Strain formulation.
Why do you want to include plasticity in the model and add more uncertainties before surfing all doubts?
NOTE: Don Guido commented about discrepancies between Abaqus and ccx with expansion an NLGEOM. Take a look at this :