is it posibble to remove/add elements with *Model Change, that have surfaces that are part in a contact definition?
When i do that, calculix seems to crash.
Try this (from Abaqus documentation):
If elements that are connected to a contact pair are removed, the contact pair should also be removed to avoid solver problems.
Hello Calc_em,
i tried this. I removed the contact, befor i removed the element set.
But calculix does not like it either.
Try testing this on a simplified model (reduced as much as possible - to just a few elements) and share it here.
Here is a sample input:
** Heading +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Hash: LsCkcVm2, Date: 10/18/2023, Unit system: MM_TON_S_C
** Nodes +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1, 0.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
2, 0.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 2.00000000E+001
3, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001
4, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 2.00000000E+001
5, 1.00000000E+001, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
6, 1.00000000E+001, 0.00000000E+000, 2.00000000E+001
7, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001
8, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001, 2.00000000E+001
9, 0.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 1.50000000E+001
10, 0.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000, 2.00000000E+001
11, 0.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000, 1.50000000E+001
12, 0.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
13, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 1.50000000E+001
14, 1.00000000E+001, 0.00000000E+000, 1.50000000E+001
15, 1.00000000E+001, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
16, 1.00000000E+001, 5.00000000E+000, 1.50000000E+001
17, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001, 1.50000000E+001
18, 1.00000000E+001, 5.00000000E+000, 2.00000000E+001
19, 5.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
20, 5.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 1.50000000E+001
21, 5.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 2.00000000E+001
22, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001
23, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 1.50000000E+001
24, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 2.00000000E+001
25, 5.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
26, 5.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000, 2.00000000E+001
27, 0.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000
28, 0.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
29, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 0.00000000E+000
30, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001
31, 1.00000000E+001, 0.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000
32, 1.00000000E+001, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
33, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001, 0.00000000E+000
34, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001
35, 0.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000
36, 0.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
37, 0.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000
38, 0.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000
39, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 5.00000000E+000
40, 1.00000000E+001, 0.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000
41, 1.00000000E+001, 5.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000
42, 1.00000000E+001, 5.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000
43, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001, 5.00000000E+000
44, 1.00000000E+001, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
45, 5.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000
46, 5.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000
47, 5.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
48, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 0.00000000E+000
49, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 5.00000000E+000
50, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001
51, 5.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000
52, 5.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
** Elements ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*Element, Type=C3D10, Elset=Solid_part-1
1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 26, 16, 23, 24, 18, 17
2, 6, 4, 7, 1, 26, 23, 16, 20, 11, 25
3, 7, 1, 4, 3, 25, 11, 23, 22, 12, 13
4, 7, 1, 5, 6, 25, 19, 15, 16, 20, 14
5, 2, 1, 4, 6, 9, 11, 10, 21, 20, 26
*Element, Type=C3D10, Elset=Solid_part-2
6, 30, 32, 33, 34, 52, 42, 49, 50, 44, 43
7, 32, 30, 33, 27, 52, 49, 42, 46, 37, 51
8, 33, 27, 30, 29, 51, 37, 49, 48, 38, 39
9, 33, 27, 31, 32, 51, 45, 41, 42, 46, 40
10, 28, 27, 30, 32, 35, 37, 36, 47, 46, 52
** Node sets +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*Nset, Nset=Internal-1_master
1, 3, 5, 7, 12, 15, 19, 22, 25
*Nset, Nset=Internal-1_slave
28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 44, 47, 50, 52
*Nset, Nset=Internal_Selection-1_Fixed-1
27, 29, 31, 33, 38, 41, 45, 48, 51
** Element sets ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*Elset, Elset=Internal-1_master_S2
*Elset, Elset=Internal-1_master_S1
*Elset, Elset=Internal-1_slave_S2
*Elset, Elset=Internal-1_slave_S4
*Elset, Elset=Internal_Selection-1_Solid_Section-1
*Elset, Elset=Internal_Selection-1_Gravity-1
*Elset, Elset=Set-1
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
** Surfaces ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*Surface, Name=master, Type=Element
Internal-1_master_S2, S2
Internal-1_master_S1, S1
*Surface, Name=slave, Type=Element
Internal-1_slave_S2, S2
Internal-1_slave_S4, S4
** Physical constants ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
** Materials +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*Material, Name=S235
210000, 0.28
*Expansion, Zero=20
*Specific heat
** Sections ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*Solid section, Elset=Internal_Selection-1_Solid_Section-1, Material=S235
** Pre-tension sections ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
** Constraints +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
** Surface interactions ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*Surface interaction, Name=Surface_Interaction-1
*Surface behavior, Pressure-overclosure=Hard
** Contact pairs +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*Contact pair, Interaction=Surface_Interaction-1, Type=Surface to surface
slave, master
** Amplitudes ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
** Initial conditions ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
** Steps +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
** Step-1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*Step, Inc=100
1, 1, 1E-05, 1E+30
** Output frequency ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*Output, Frequency=1
** Boundary conditions +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*Boundary, op=New
** Name: Fixed-1
Internal_Selection-1_Fixed-1, 1, 6, 0
** Loads +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*Cload, op=New
*Dload, op=New
** Name: Gravity-1
Internal_Selection-1_Gravity-1, Grav, 9810, 0, 0, -1
** Defined fields ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
** History outputs +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
** Field outputs +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*Node file
*El file
S, E
*Model Change, Type=Contact Pair, Remove
master, slave
*Model Change, Type=Element, Remove
** End step ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*End step
The *Model Change, Type=Contact Pair, Remove in Calculix inside the prepomax (windows) is not working.
I tried several times using different models, including the simplified model of @ [febing] but isn’t working.
The *Model Change, Type=Element, Remove works fine, but not the Contact Pair. The simulation just ends without errors.
Anyone had the same problem?
Best Regards
The first thing is that the input above should be changed from:
*Model Change, Type=Contact Pair, Remove
slave, master
Then it works in Abaqus but, for some reason, not in CalculiX.
Analysis with model change makes more sense when there are multiple steps so I propose something like this (again, works in Abaqus but not in CalculiX):
1, 0.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
2, 0.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 2.00000000E+001
3, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001
4, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 2.00000000E+001
5, 1.00000000E+001, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
6, 1.00000000E+001, 0.00000000E+000, 2.00000000E+001
7, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001
8, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001, 2.00000000E+001
9, 0.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 1.50000000E+001
10, 0.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000, 2.00000000E+001
11, 0.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000, 1.50000000E+001
12, 0.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
13, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 1.50000000E+001
14, 1.00000000E+001, 0.00000000E+000, 1.50000000E+001
15, 1.00000000E+001, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
16, 1.00000000E+001, 5.00000000E+000, 1.50000000E+001
17, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001, 1.50000000E+001
18, 1.00000000E+001, 5.00000000E+000, 2.00000000E+001
19, 5.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
20, 5.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 1.50000000E+001
21, 5.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 2.00000000E+001
22, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001
23, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 1.50000000E+001
24, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 2.00000000E+001
25, 5.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
26, 5.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000, 2.00000000E+001
27, 0.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000
28, 0.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
29, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 0.00000000E+000
30, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001
31, 1.00000000E+001, 0.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000
32, 1.00000000E+001, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
33, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001, 0.00000000E+000
34, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001
35, 0.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000
36, 0.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
37, 0.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000
38, 0.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000
39, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 5.00000000E+000
40, 1.00000000E+001, 0.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000
41, 1.00000000E+001, 5.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000
42, 1.00000000E+001, 5.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000
43, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001, 5.00000000E+000
44, 1.00000000E+001, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
45, 5.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000
46, 5.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000
47, 5.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
48, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 0.00000000E+000
49, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 5.00000000E+000
50, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001, 1.00000000E+001
51, 5.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000, 0.00000000E+000
52, 5.00000000E+000, 5.00000000E+000, 1.00000000E+001
*Element, Type=C3D10, Elset=Solid_part-1
1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 26, 16, 23, 24, 18, 17
2, 6, 4, 7, 1, 26, 23, 16, 20, 11, 25
3, 7, 1, 4, 3, 25, 11, 23, 22, 12, 13
4, 7, 1, 5, 6, 25, 19, 15, 16, 20, 14
5, 2, 1, 4, 6, 9, 11, 10, 21, 20, 26
*Element, Type=C3D10, Elset=Solid_part-2
6, 30, 32, 33, 34, 52, 42, 49, 50, 44, 43
7, 32, 30, 33, 27, 52, 49, 42, 46, 37, 51
8, 33, 27, 30, 29, 51, 37, 49, 48, 38, 39
9, 33, 27, 31, 32, 51, 45, 41, 42, 46, 40
10, 28, 27, 30, 32, 35, 37, 36, 47, 46, 52
*Nset, Nset=Internal-1_master
1, 3, 5, 7, 12, 15, 19, 22, 25
*Nset, Nset=Internal-1_slave
28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 44, 47, 50, 52
*Nset, Nset=Internal_Selection-1_Fixed-1
27, 29, 31, 33, 38, 41, 45, 48, 51
*Elset, Elset=Internal-1_master_S2
*Elset, Elset=Internal-1_master_S1
*Elset, Elset=Internal-1_slave_S2
*Elset, Elset=Internal-1_slave_S4
*Elset, Elset=Internal_Selection-1_Solid_Section-1
*Elset, Elset=Internal_Selection-1_Gravity-1
*Elset, Elset=Set-1
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
*Surface, Name=master, Type=Element
Internal-1_master_S2, S2
Internal-1_master_S1, S1
*Surface, Name=slave, Type=Element
Internal-1_slave_S2, S2
Internal-1_slave_S4, S4
*Material, Name=S235
210000, 0.28
*Solid section, Elset=Internal_Selection-1_Solid_Section-1, Material=S235
*Surface interaction, Name=Surface_Interaction-1
*Surface behavior, Pressure-overclosure=Hard
*Contact pair, Interaction=Surface_Interaction-1, Type=Surface to surface
slave, master
*Step, Inc=100
1, 1, 1E-05, 1E+30
*Output, Frequency=1
Internal_Selection-1_Fixed-1, 1, 6, 0
Internal_Selection-1_Gravity-1, Grav, 9810, 0, 0, -1
*Node file
*El file
S, E
*End step
*Step, Inc=100
1, 1, 1E-05, 1E+30
*Output, Frequency=1
Internal_Selection-1_Fixed-1, 1, 6, 0
Internal_Selection-1_Gravity-1, Grav, 9810, 0, 0, -1
*Node file
*El file
S, E
*Model Change, Type=Contact Pair, Remove
slave, master
*Model Change, Type=Element, Remove
*End step
Perhaps it’s a bug in CalculiX.
@Calc_em I had the same experience.
Did you use calculix in prepomax(windows version) or your also tried in Linux?
Thanks for your feedback
Best Regards
I used standalone CalculiX (without PrePoMax) on Windows but it’s likely the same on Linux.