Error solving: SPC meaning

Good morning,

Trying to run my code I get this error, but do not understand where it comes from or what I have to check. What is the meaning of SPC ? MPC is multi point constraint?

*ERROR in cascade: the DOF corresponding to
node 1 in direction 3 is detected on the
dependent side of a MPC and a SPC

Thank you very much

SPC is Single Point Constraint (as opposed to MPC = Multi-Point Constraint) and in practice it just means a boundary condition (BC). So you have an overconstraint for that node in that degree of freedom (DOF). Apparently, there’s both BC and MPC (some constraint) applied there. MPCs are often generated internally by CalculiX.

Ok. May it be due to this? Coupling constraint and B.C. cannot be applied in the same node??
How can I do it?

*Coupling, Ref node=25491, Surface=RBE2_P_CNS, Constraint name=Constraint-pinion
*Coupling, Ref node=25493, Surface=RBE2_G_CNS, Constraint name=Constraint-gear
*Boundary, Amplitude=AMP_ROT
25491, 1, 2, 0
25491, 6, 6, 1.01000
25493, 1, 2, 0
25493, 6, 6, 0

No, you can apply BCs to ref nodes of kinematic coupling constraints:

The degrees of freedom in the reference node (1 up to 3 for translations, 4 up to 6 for rotations; they apply to the global system unless a *TRANSFORM card was defined for the reference node) can be constrained by a *BOUNDARY card.

Right. In that case what could I check?
I am quite blocked in solving this error and I do not know what to look at.
I shared my Model here. I have corrected some things but the main structure and B.C and constraints are the same.

I think that you should apply symmetry BC at the gear/pinion edges and the coupling to the shaft holes.

try placing these nodes only in one set, the contact surface or the coupling

I also see inconsistent definitions, according to manual (*COUPLING keyword):
With SURFACE the nodes are selected to which the constraint applies (so-
called coupling nodes). This surface must be face-based.
the one for the pinion is node-based.

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Thank you so much @JuanP74 for taking the time!!!

I think that you should apply symmetry BC at the gear/pinion edges and the coupling to the shaft holes.

Why this symetry BC? I do not understand very well what you mean…

also see inconsistent definitions, according to manual (*COUPLING keyword):
With SURFACE the nodes are selected to which the constraint applies (so-
called coupling nodes). This surface must be face-based.
the one for the pinion is node-based.

You’re right. I already corrected the definition of the surfaces based on elements in both gears. I misunderstood and thought the surface definitin by elements was only necessary for the *Distributing … but in fact is necessary when you define a *coupling constarint.

try placing these nodes only in one set, the contact surface or the coupling

I also deleted the corners nodes from the contact set, since there will never be contact in those corneers. That way those nodes will only be in the coupling surface set.

However after this, my simulation stops after 4 increments and I am not able to see the result of it or now which is the problem… since I get no .log file or…

Thank youu so much for any ideasor tips!

I made some improvements but isn’t finished. At least it completes first step with somewhat weird results.
Hope it helps you fixing the issue.

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I think Disla here hit the point (except in that coupling3.inp is the interesting one to apply an enforced rotation), coupling, kinematic isn’t working exactly the way you expect because only dof’s 1 to 3 are allowed (contrary to Abaqus where 1 to 6 are allowed) so you need to use cylindrical coordinates to apply an enforced rotation/moment

**   Structure: cantilever beam.
**   Test objective: *COUPLING, *KINEMATIC for rotations.
Model: beam     Date: 10-Mar-1998
     1,      0.000000,      0.000000,      0.000000
     2,      1.000000,      0.000000,      0.000000
     3,      1.000000,      1.000000,      0.000000
     4,      0.000000,      1.000000,      0.000000
     5,      0.000000,      0.000000,      8.000000
     6,      1.000000,      0.000000,      8.000000
     7,      1.000000,      1.000000,      8.000000
     8,      0.000000,      1.000000,      8.000000
     9,      0.250000,      0.000000,      0.000000
    10,      0.500000,      0.000000,      0.000000
    11,      0.750000,      0.000000,      0.000000
    12,      1.000000,      0.250000,      0.000000
    13,      1.000000,      0.500000,      0.000000
    14,      1.000000,      0.750000,      0.000000
    15,      0.750000,      1.000000,      0.000000
    16,      0.500000,      1.000000,      0.000000
    17,      0.250000,      1.000000,      0.000000
    18,      0.000000,      0.750000,      0.000000
    19,      0.000000,      0.500000,      0.000000
    20,      0.000000,      0.250000,      0.000000
    21,      0.250000,      0.000000,      8.000000
    22,      0.500000,      0.000000,      8.000000
    23,      0.750000,      0.000000,      8.000000
    24,      1.000000,      0.250000,      8.000000
    25,      1.000000,      0.500000,      8.000000
    26,      1.000000,      0.750000,      8.000000
    27,      0.750000,      1.000000,      8.000000
    28,      0.500000,      1.000000,      8.000000
    29,      0.250000,      1.000000,      8.000000
    30,      0.000000,      0.750000,      8.000000
    31,      0.000000,      0.500000,      8.000000
    32,      0.000000,      0.250000,      8.000000
    33,      1.000000,      0.000000,      0.500000
    34,      1.000000,      0.000000,      1.000000
    35,      1.000000,      0.000000,      1.500000
    36,      1.000000,      0.000000,      2.000000
    37,      1.000000,      0.000000,      2.500000
    38,      1.000000,      0.000000,      3.000000
    39,      1.000000,      0.000000,      3.500000
    40,      1.000000,      0.000000,      4.000000
    41,      1.000000,      0.000000,      4.500000
    42,      1.000000,      0.000000,      5.000000
    43,      1.000000,      0.000000,      5.500000
    44,      1.000000,      0.000000,      6.000000
    45,      1.000000,      0.000000,      6.500000
    46,      1.000000,      0.000000,      7.000000
    47,      1.000000,      0.000000,      7.500000
    48,      0.000000,      0.000000,      7.500000
    49,      0.000000,      0.000000,      7.000000
    50,      0.000000,      0.000000,      6.500000
    51,      0.000000,      0.000000,      6.000000
    52,      0.000000,      0.000000,      5.500000
    53,      0.000000,      0.000000,      5.000000
    54,      0.000000,      0.000000,      4.500000
    55,      0.000000,      0.000000,      4.000000
    56,      0.000000,      0.000000,      3.500000
    57,      0.000000,      0.000000,      3.000000
    58,      0.000000,      0.000000,      2.500000
    59,      0.000000,      0.000000,      2.000000
    60,      0.000000,      0.000000,      1.500000
    61,      0.000000,      0.000000,      1.000000
    62,      0.000000,      0.000000,      0.500000
    63,      1.000000,      1.000000,      0.500000
    64,      1.000000,      1.000000,      1.000000
    65,      1.000000,      1.000000,      1.500000
    66,      1.000000,      1.000000,      2.000000
    67,      1.000000,      1.000000,      2.500000
    68,      1.000000,      1.000000,      3.000000
    69,      1.000000,      1.000000,      3.500000
    70,      1.000000,      1.000000,      4.000000
    71,      1.000000,      1.000000,      4.500000
    72,      1.000000,      1.000000,      5.000000
    73,      1.000000,      1.000000,      5.500000
    74,      1.000000,      1.000000,      6.000000
    75,      1.000000,      1.000000,      6.500000
    76,      1.000000,      1.000000,      7.000000
    77,      1.000000,      1.000000,      7.500000
    78,      0.000000,      1.000000,      0.500000
    79,      0.000000,      1.000000,      1.000000
    80,      0.000000,      1.000000,      1.500000
    81,      0.000000,      1.000000,      2.000000
    82,      0.000000,      1.000000,      2.500000
    83,      0.000000,      1.000000,      3.000000
    84,      0.000000,      1.000000,      3.500000
    85,      0.000000,      1.000000,      4.000000
    86,      0.000000,      1.000000,      4.500000
    87,      0.000000,      1.000000,      5.000000
    88,      0.000000,      1.000000,      5.500000
    89,      0.000000,      1.000000,      6.000000
    90,      0.000000,      1.000000,      6.500000
    91,      0.000000,      1.000000,      7.000000
    92,      0.000000,      1.000000,      7.500000
    93,      0.500000,      0.250000,      0.000000
    94,      0.250000,      0.500000,      0.000000
    95,      0.500000,      0.500000,      0.000000
    96,      0.750000,      0.500000,      0.000000
    97,      0.500000,      0.750000,      0.000000
    98,      0.500000,      0.250000,      8.000000
    99,      0.250000,      0.500000,      8.000000
   100,      0.500000,      0.500000,      8.000000
   101,      0.750000,      0.500000,      8.000000
   102,      0.500000,      0.750000,      8.000000
   103,      0.500000,      0.000000,      0.500000
   104,      0.250000,      0.000000,      1.000000
   105,      0.500000,      0.000000,      1.000000
   106,      0.750000,      0.000000,      1.000000
   107,      0.500000,      0.000000,      1.500000
   108,      0.250000,      0.000000,      2.000000
   109,      0.500000,      0.000000,      2.000000
   110,      0.750000,      0.000000,      2.000000
   111,      0.500000,      0.000000,      2.500000
   112,      0.250000,      0.000000,      3.000000
   113,      0.500000,      0.000000,      3.000000
   114,      0.750000,      0.000000,      3.000000
   115,      0.500000,      0.000000,      3.500000
   116,      0.250000,      0.000000,      4.000000
   117,      0.500000,      0.000000,      4.000000
   118,      0.750000,      0.000000,      4.000000
   119,      0.500000,      0.000000,      4.500000
   120,      0.250000,      0.000000,      5.000000
   121,      0.500000,      0.000000,      5.000000
   122,      0.750000,      0.000000,      5.000000
   123,      0.500000,      0.000000,      5.500000
   124,      0.250000,      0.000000,      6.000000
   125,      0.500000,      0.000000,      6.000000
   126,      0.750000,      0.000000,      6.000000
   127,      0.500000,      0.000000,      6.500000
   128,      0.250000,      0.000000,      7.000000
   129,      0.500000,      0.000000,      7.000000
   130,      0.750000,      0.000000,      7.000000
   131,      0.500000,      0.000000,      7.500000
   132,      1.000000,      0.500000,      0.500000
   133,      1.000000,      0.250000,      1.000000
   134,      1.000000,      0.500000,      1.000000
   135,      1.000000,      0.750000,      1.000000
   136,      1.000000,      0.500000,      1.500000
   137,      1.000000,      0.250000,      2.000000
   138,      1.000000,      0.500000,      2.000000
   139,      1.000000,      0.750000,      2.000000
   140,      1.000000,      0.500000,      2.500000
   141,      1.000000,      0.250000,      3.000000
   142,      1.000000,      0.500000,      3.000000
   143,      1.000000,      0.750000,      3.000000
   144,      1.000000,      0.500000,      3.500000
   145,      1.000000,      0.250000,      4.000000
   146,      1.000000,      0.500000,      4.000000
   147,      1.000000,      0.750000,      4.000000
   148,      1.000000,      0.500000,      4.500000
   149,      1.000000,      0.250000,      5.000000
   150,      1.000000,      0.500000,      5.000000
   151,      1.000000,      0.750000,      5.000000
   152,      1.000000,      0.500000,      5.500000
   153,      1.000000,      0.250000,      6.000000
   154,      1.000000,      0.500000,      6.000000
   155,      1.000000,      0.750000,      6.000000
   156,      1.000000,      0.500000,      6.500000
   157,      1.000000,      0.250000,      7.000000
   158,      1.000000,      0.500000,      7.000000
   159,      1.000000,      0.750000,      7.000000
   160,      1.000000,      0.500000,      7.500000
   161,      0.500000,      1.000000,      0.500000
   162,      0.750000,      1.000000,      1.000000
   163,      0.500000,      1.000000,      1.000000
   164,      0.250000,      1.000000,      1.000000
   165,      0.500000,      1.000000,      1.500000
   166,      0.750000,      1.000000,      2.000000
   167,      0.500000,      1.000000,      2.000000
   168,      0.250000,      1.000000,      2.000000
   169,      0.500000,      1.000000,      2.500000
   170,      0.750000,      1.000000,      3.000000
   171,      0.500000,      1.000000,      3.000000
   172,      0.250000,      1.000000,      3.000000
   173,      0.500000,      1.000000,      3.500000
   174,      0.750000,      1.000000,      4.000000
   175,      0.500000,      1.000000,      4.000000
   176,      0.250000,      1.000000,      4.000000
   177,      0.500000,      1.000000,      4.500000
   178,      0.750000,      1.000000,      5.000000
   179,      0.500000,      1.000000,      5.000000
   180,      0.250000,      1.000000,      5.000000
   181,      0.500000,      1.000000,      5.500000
   182,      0.750000,      1.000000,      6.000000
   183,      0.500000,      1.000000,      6.000000
   184,      0.250000,      1.000000,      6.000000
   185,      0.500000,      1.000000,      6.500000
   186,      0.750000,      1.000000,      7.000000
   187,      0.500000,      1.000000,      7.000000
   188,      0.250000,      1.000000,      7.000000
   189,      0.500000,      1.000000,      7.500000
   190,      0.000000,      0.500000,      0.500000
   191,      0.000000,      0.750000,      1.000000
   192,      0.000000,      0.500000,      1.000000
   193,      0.000000,      0.250000,      1.000000
   194,      0.000000,      0.500000,      1.500000
   195,      0.000000,      0.750000,      2.000000
   196,      0.000000,      0.500000,      2.000000
   197,      0.000000,      0.250000,      2.000000
   198,      0.000000,      0.500000,      2.500000
   199,      0.000000,      0.750000,      3.000000
   200,      0.000000,      0.500000,      3.000000
   201,      0.000000,      0.250000,      3.000000
   202,      0.000000,      0.500000,      3.500000
   203,      0.000000,      0.750000,      4.000000
   204,      0.000000,      0.500000,      4.000000
   205,      0.000000,      0.250000,      4.000000
   206,      0.000000,      0.500000,      4.500000
   207,      0.000000,      0.750000,      5.000000
   208,      0.000000,      0.500000,      5.000000
   209,      0.000000,      0.250000,      5.000000
   210,      0.000000,      0.500000,      5.500000
   211,      0.000000,      0.750000,      6.000000
   212,      0.000000,      0.500000,      6.000000
   213,      0.000000,      0.250000,      6.000000
   214,      0.000000,      0.500000,      6.500000
   215,      0.000000,      0.750000,      7.000000
   216,      0.000000,      0.500000,      7.000000
   217,      0.000000,      0.250000,      7.000000
   218,      0.000000,      0.500000,      7.500000
   219,      0.500000,      0.500000,      0.500000
   220,      0.500000,      0.250000,      1.000000
   221,      0.250000,      0.500000,      1.000000
   222,      0.500000,      0.500000,      1.000000
   223,      0.750000,      0.500000,      1.000000
   224,      0.500000,      0.750000,      1.000000
   225,      0.500000,      0.500000,      1.500000
   226,      0.500000,      0.250000,      2.000000
   227,      0.250000,      0.500000,      2.000000
   228,      0.500000,      0.500000,      2.000000
   229,      0.750000,      0.500000,      2.000000
   230,      0.500000,      0.750000,      2.000000
   231,      0.500000,      0.500000,      2.500000
   232,      0.500000,      0.250000,      3.000000
   233,      0.250000,      0.500000,      3.000000
   234,      0.500000,      0.500000,      3.000000
   235,      0.750000,      0.500000,      3.000000
   236,      0.500000,      0.750000,      3.000000
   237,      0.500000,      0.500000,      3.500000
   238,      0.500000,      0.250000,      4.000000
   239,      0.250000,      0.500000,      4.000000
   240,      0.500000,      0.500000,      4.000000
   241,      0.750000,      0.500000,      4.000000
   242,      0.500000,      0.750000,      4.000000
   243,      0.500000,      0.500000,      4.500000
   244,      0.500000,      0.250000,      5.000000
   245,      0.250000,      0.500000,      5.000000
   246,      0.500000,      0.500000,      5.000000
   247,      0.750000,      0.500000,      5.000000
   248,      0.500000,      0.750000,      5.000000
   249,      0.500000,      0.500000,      5.500000
   250,      0.500000,      0.250000,      6.000000
   251,      0.250000,      0.500000,      6.000000
   252,      0.500000,      0.500000,      6.000000
   253,      0.750000,      0.500000,      6.000000
   254,      0.500000,      0.750000,      6.000000
   255,      0.500000,      0.500000,      6.500000
   256,      0.500000,      0.250000,      7.000000
   257,      0.250000,      0.500000,      7.000000
   258,      0.500000,      0.500000,      7.000000
   259,      0.750000,      0.500000,      7.000000
   260,      0.500000,      0.750000,      7.000000
   261,      0.500000,      0.500000,      7.500000
     1,     1,    10,    95,    19,    61,   105,   222,   192,     9,    93,
           94,    20,   104,   220,   221,   193,    62,   103,   219,   190
     2,    10,     2,    13,    95,   105,    34,   134,   222,    11,    12,
           96,    93,   106,   133,   223,   220,   103,    33,   132,   219
     3,    19,    95,    16,     4,   192,   222,   163,    79,    94,    97,
           17,    18,   221,   224,   164,   191,   190,   219,   161,    78
     4,    95,    13,     3,    16,   222,   134,    64,   163,    96,    14,
           15,    97,   223,   135,   162,   224,   219,   132,    63,   161
     5,    61,   105,   222,   192,    59,   109,   228,   196,   104,   220,
          221,   193,   108,   226,   227,   197,    60,   107,   225,   194
     6,   105,    34,   134,   222,   109,    36,   138,   228,   106,   133,
          223,   220,   110,   137,   229,   226,   107,    35,   136,   225
     7,   192,   222,   163,    79,   196,   228,   167,    81,   221,   224,
          164,   191,   227,   230,   168,   195,   194,   225,   165,    80
     8,   222,   134,    64,   163,   228,   138,    66,   167,   223,   135,
          162,   224,   229,   139,   166,   230,   225,   136,    65,   165
     9,    59,   109,   228,   196,    57,   113,   234,   200,   108,   226,
          227,   197,   112,   232,   233,   201,    58,   111,   231,   198
    10,   109,    36,   138,   228,   113,    38,   142,   234,   110,   137,
          229,   226,   114,   141,   235,   232,   111,    37,   140,   231
    11,   196,   228,   167,    81,   200,   234,   171,    83,   227,   230,
          168,   195,   233,   236,   172,   199,   198,   231,   169,    82
    12,   228,   138,    66,   167,   234,   142,    68,   171,   229,   139,
          166,   230,   235,   143,   170,   236,   231,   140,    67,   169
    13,    57,   113,   234,   200,    55,   117,   240,   204,   112,   232,
          233,   201,   116,   238,   239,   205,    56,   115,   237,   202
    14,   113,    38,   142,   234,   117,    40,   146,   240,   114,   141,
          235,   232,   118,   145,   241,   238,   115,    39,   144,   237
    15,   200,   234,   171,    83,   204,   240,   175,    85,   233,   236,
          172,   199,   239,   242,   176,   203,   202,   237,   173,    84
    16,   234,   142,    68,   171,   240,   146,    70,   175,   235,   143,
          170,   236,   241,   147,   174,   242,   237,   144,    69,   173
    17,    55,   117,   240,   204,    53,   121,   246,   208,   116,   238,
          239,   205,   120,   244,   245,   209,    54,   119,   243,   206
    18,   117,    40,   146,   240,   121,    42,   150,   246,   118,   145,
          241,   238,   122,   149,   247,   244,   119,    41,   148,   243
    19,   204,   240,   175,    85,   208,   246,   179,    87,   239,   242,
          176,   203,   245,   248,   180,   207,   206,   243,   177,    86
    20,   240,   146,    70,   175,   246,   150,    72,   179,   241,   147,
          174,   242,   247,   151,   178,   248,   243,   148,    71,   177
    21,    53,   121,   246,   208,    51,   125,   252,   212,   120,   244,
          245,   209,   124,   250,   251,   213,    52,   123,   249,   210
    22,   121,    42,   150,   246,   125,    44,   154,   252,   122,   149,
          247,   244,   126,   153,   253,   250,   123,    43,   152,   249
    23,   208,   246,   179,    87,   212,   252,   183,    89,   245,   248,
          180,   207,   251,   254,   184,   211,   210,   249,   181,    88
    24,   246,   150,    72,   179,   252,   154,    74,   183,   247,   151,
          178,   248,   253,   155,   182,   254,   249,   152,    73,   181
    25,    51,   125,   252,   212,    49,   129,   258,   216,   124,   250,
          251,   213,   128,   256,   257,   217,    50,   127,   255,   214
    26,   125,    44,   154,   252,   129,    46,   158,   258,   126,   153,
          253,   250,   130,   157,   259,   256,   127,    45,   156,   255
    27,   212,   252,   183,    89,   216,   258,   187,    91,   251,   254,
          184,   211,   257,   260,   188,   215,   214,   255,   185,    90
    28,   252,   154,    74,   183,   258,   158,    76,   187,   253,   155,
          182,   254,   259,   159,   186,   260,   255,   156,    75,   185
    29,    49,   129,   258,   216,     5,    22,   100,    31,   128,   256,
          257,   217,    21,    98,    99,    32,    48,   131,   261,   218
    30,   129,    46,   158,   258,    22,     6,    25,   100,   130,   157,
          259,   256,    23,    24,   101,    98,   131,    47,   160,   261
    31,   216,   258,   187,    91,    31,   100,    28,     8,   257,   260,
          188,   215,    99,   102,    29,    30,   218,   261,   189,    92
    32,   258,   158,    76,   187,   100,    25,     7,    28,   259,   159,
          186,   260,   101,    26,    27,   102,   261,   160,    77,   189
    97,    96,    95,    94,    93,    20,    19,    18,    17,    16,    15,
    14,    13,    12,    11,    10,     9,     4,     3,     2,     1
FIX, 1
FIX, 2
FIX, 3
  210000.0,        .3
*el file
*NODE file

the example shows a beam with a torsional rotation in the end, basically what you intend to do with the gears, but only restrained by the contact between pinion and gear.

There are some working examples showing how to induce rotations in the mecway forum.
I posted one with less than 1000 nodes that can be run in the free version. It’s old and could be better but it’s still there.

Sebastianmaklary and JohanM users also provided valuable information based on his experience with gears design.

similar problem also discussed in PrePoMax forums