Divergence Issue in Simulation of Flexible Membrane

Hi there,

I am currently simulating the deformation of a flexible membrane (200mm diameter, 2mm thickness). Unfortunately, the calculation consistently diverges at a certain time step, with the following error message:

 iteration 1

 Using up to 1 cpu(s) for the stress calculation.

 Using up to 1 cpu(s) for the symmetric stiffness/mass contributions.

 Factoring the system of equations using the symmetric spooles solver
 Using 1 cpu for spooles.

 Using up to 1 cpu(s) for the stress calculation.

 average force= 2928585056663572563823814321527470231126016.000000
 time avg. forc= 1008465928603158625915133441517266403328.000000
 largest residual force= 11529784025529486236246453018676178542187773952.000000 in node 407 and dof 3
 largest increment of disp= 2.488520e+00
 largest correction to disp= 2.488520e+00 in node 472 and dof 2

 no convergence

 iteration 2

 Using up to 1 cpu(s) for the symmetric stiffness/mass contributions.

 Factoring the system of equations using the symmetric spooles solver
 Using 1 cpu for spooles.

 Using up to 1 cpu(s) for the stress calculation.

 average force= nan
 time avg. forc= 0.775881
 largest residual force= 1136001680829127150529799508419411582124032.000000 in node 445 and dof 1
 largest increment of disp= 6.542111e+00
 largest correction to disp= 6.542111e+00 in node 524 and dof 3

 divergence; the increment size is decreased to 2.500000e-04
 the increment is reattempted

Adjusting time step for transient step
precice_dt dtheta = 0.000017, dtheta = 0.000004, solver_dt = 0.000250
Adapter reading coupling data...
No suitable eForces fuction!!! Please check WEC type!!!
Reading FORCES coupling data with ID '2'.
 increment 2904 attempt 3
 increment size= 2.500000e-04
 sum of previous increments=2.872000e+00
 actual step time=2.872250e+00
 actual total time=4.872250e+00

 iteration 1

 Using up to 1 cpu(s) for the stress calculation.

 Using up to 1 cpu(s) for the symmetric stiffness/mass contributions.

 Factoring the system of equations using the symmetric spooles solver
 Using 1 cpu for spooles.

 Using up to 1 cpu(s) for the stress calculation.

 average force= 317284113003602816.000000
 time avg. forc= 109257614670662.890625
 largest residual force= 1203916751776381927424.000000 in node 1207 and dof 3
 largest increment of disp= 4.040671e-02
 largest correction to disp= 4.040671e-02 in node 1253 and dof 2

 no convergence

 iteration 2

 Using up to 1 cpu(s) for the symmetric stiffness/mass contributions.

 Factoring the system of equations using the symmetric spooles solver
 Using 1 cpu for spooles.

 Using up to 1 cpu(s) for the stress calculation.

 average force= nan
 time avg. forc= 0.775881
 largest residual force= 2218609082492506966326937449053849005494108160.000000 in node 1307 and dof 2
 largest increment of disp= 1.893813e+00
 largest correction to disp= 1.893813e+00 in node 1355 and dof 3

I have tried several approaches to resolve the issue, including:

  • Using smaller time steps
  • Refining the mesh
  • Testing different element types (C3D10, C3D8, C3D20, etc.)

Despite these efforts, the problem persists. I would greatly appreciate any insights into potential causes for this divergence. How can I make the simulation more stable?

Thank you in advance for your help!

CalculiX version: 2.15

can you share the .inp and a picture of the mesh?

Why aren’t you using shell or membrane elements for this model ? How is the part supported and loaded ? What material model is used ?