CGX: counting nodes and selecting elements


i don’t know how to use it, or you can use directly with ccx.
i found nothing in the manul from ccx, but i found here a topic
with the keyword: TRVEC
maybe you have to convert the .trk file.

A Guide to Modifying Abaqus Input Files for Use in CalculiX - CalculiX (official versions are on, the official GitHub repository is at

  1. The *DSLOAD keyword is supported in both Abaqus and CalculiX but the latter code supports it to a limited extent. In Abaqus this keyword can be used to define surface-based loading: pressure, surface traction or shell edge load (using several special labels such as P, TRVEC, TRSHR, and so on) as well as a stress-driven boundary for submodeling. In CalculiX this keyword is used only for pressure load (only label P is supported) or stress-based submodeling.